The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1754: reward

Chapter 1754: Reward

The janitor will say again to Shi Xiaoya.

Shi Xiaoya said to Han Zhuo Ling, "You push."

Han Zhuo Ling smiled and nodded, "OK."

The door was opened and the two went out.

Immediately someone in black came over and took two of them into the car.

Fortunately, this time did not separate them.

After getting in the car, the man in the black robe appeared on the screen of the car.

"Congratulations on being the first adventurer to escape from the underground house." On the screen, the man in black robe said, "I will give you the reward for being number one."

"Now, look at the bag on the back of your chair, which contains a pocket watch," said the man in black.

Han Zhuo Ling went to the bag and touched it, and he really felt a pocket watch.

"This pocket watch can be used once tomorrow," said the black robe man. "As long as you pull the pointer of the pocket watch back, you can make time go back. But time can go back at most one quarter of an hour.

"Don't underestimate this quarter of an hour, it may be the key to victory." The man in the black robe disappeared in the screen picture after finishing the last sentence.

Han Zhuo Ling raised an eyebrow and closed his pocket watch.

In the end, they were sent to a later antique city.

The ancient city is very close to the ancient fortress which is a tourist attraction.

Because the fortress restricts the number of tourists every day, and there is only one fortress as a selling point for tourism.

The local came up with such an idea. In the vicinity of the fortress, according to the architectural style of the fortress, such an ancient city was built.

In the center of the ancient city is an old castle.

It is usually opened as a hotel, but now it has been contracted by the program group because of the recording of the program.

Shi Xiaoya think about it, too, how the fortress is a protected cultural heritage.

The program group can only be the second best choice, and chose to go to the ancient city built later.

The car stopped at the gate of the ancient city, Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya got off, and walked into the ancient city.

Because Han Zhuo Ling's customs clearance speed was too fast, so when they came to the ancient city, it was noon.

As for when other people will clear the customs, it is hard to say.

Both sides are full of shops.

From local souvenirs to clothing, crafts, and small restaurants.

"Hungry?" Han Zhuo Ling asked her.

Now the street has been fragrant with food, and there are still people dressed as the ancient shop Xiaoer, soliciting guests at the door.

Shi Xiaoya looked very interesting and said, "Would we like to have lunch?"

Of course, Han Zhuoling was not bad, so I chose the shop with the second shop, which is interesting, standing at the door.

Just arrived at the door, the shop junior with a white towel on his shoulder was like the tone in a film and television drama, saying loudly, "Guest, please inside!"

In this line, in addition to Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya, there are also video cameras and directors who follow up.

Shi Xiaoya invited them to sit down together, the director sat down, but the camera was still carrying the machine to shoot.

Shi Xiaoya asked: "You have to take pictures even if you eat? Let's eat together and take pictures."

One of the camera brothers explained with a smile, "This is all-day shooting, and it will not end until night. The audience likes watching the artists relax and look in private. We can't directly show the guests' privacy to them, but This kind of follow-up, take photos of artists to eat, chat together, the audience likes to watch. But then still have to watch the post-editing. In any case, you have to shoot down. "

The fifth is at 12: 30 ~

(End of this chapter)

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