The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1758: Want to face?

Chapter 1758 Shameless?

Cheng He: "..."

What did he do wrong?

Cao Jingchen laughed, "I asked him to take me to eat chicken."

Zhang Xiangyou also came together and said, "And me."

"Are you in four rows? Who is there then?"

Han Zhuo Ling didn't speak, didn't mind showing his face but didn't think about showing his face actively.

Cao Jingchen immediately said, "Oh, what? We two can't satisfy you yet, are we?"

Because of the appearance of Cao Jingchen and Zhang Xiangyou, the number of Cheng He's live-streaming rooms directly broke 10 million.

Fans said on Weibo that Cao Jingchen and Zhang Xiangyou's fans all came here, and some came to watch the lively.

There are chicken fans, and I want to see what these two stars look like when they play.

The server of the live broadcast site was almost crowded.

The company hurriedly prioritized all servers to Cheng He's live broadcast, which was then taken care of.

At this time, Shi Xiaoya brought Han Zhuo Ling's coffee.

"I played for the first time and didn't know much about the rules." Han Zhuo Ling said.

Cao Jingchen snickered: "Let Xiaoya teach you!"

"Who's voice? Listen well!"

"How do I sound like Han Zhuoling's voice? But I'm not sure. I watched the program last night and heard his voice. I'm not too familiar."

"Who is Xiaoya?"

"Xiao He, who are they talking about?"

Cheng He pretended not to see.

Shi Xiaoya heard the words and dragged the swivel chair, sitting next to Han Zhuo Ling, "I can't do it. I can't see where the enemy is. I can only tell you some basic things about this game."

"That's enough." Han Zhuo Ling started the game and let Shi Xiaoya log in to her account.

"I have a friend with Cheng, and he will invite you soon, and accept it. Then there will be 100 people waiting in wait. When the time is up, the character will be in the plane. There will be cities, schools, prisons and other places on the ground. The skydiving logo appears on the screen, and you can jump down by clicking on it. At that time, look at Cheng He's fixed point and just jump together. "

"In the beginning, there was no equipment, you had to pick it up. There would be some equipment scattered in the room, such as pistols, snipers, helmets, etc., with different levels. Good luck, you can pick up 98K and third-class armor . "Shi Xiaoya explained.

Han Zhuo Ling was not interested in these games, but Cheng He asked Shi Xiaoya to play together, and Han Zhuo Ling was very concerned.

He had to keep up with the rhythm and couldn't watch what Shi Xiaoya liked to play, but he didn't understand anything. It was not possible to have a common language with Shi Xiaoya.

Besides, the three big men play with Shi Xiaoya?

Waiting for him to meet, he and Shi Xiaoya line up!

"98K is a kind of sniper. The habit of calling it 98K is relatively simple. I didn't remember what it was called." Shi Xiaoya said embarrassed.

The audience of the live broadcast heard Shi Xiaoya's voice, saying, "Sister Miss's voice is so sweet."

Unexpectedly, there were fans of Shi Xiaoya in the audience.

"It's Shi Xiaoya! It's Shi Xiaoya's voice! It's not wrong, I have been watching her video. She has also broadcast live, and she was right in the live broadcast."

"It's her, it must be her, and she's also the makeup artist for Survivor."

"The male voice just now will not be Han Zhuoling!"

"It's possible! Isn't Han Zhuo Ling also a guest of Survivor?"

"Is there anything wrong, Shi Xiaoya will have Han Zhuoling in Survivor?" Shameless? "

(End of this chapter)

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