The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1764: Love exposure?

Chapter 1764: Love Exposure?

Suddenly, his forehead was tapped lightly.

"Ah!" Shi Xiaoya screamed in surprise, but it didn't hurt, but she didn't expect to be beaten suddenly.

Rubbing the place where he was beaten, he turned around and saw that Han Zhuo Ling was looking at her, those eyes with a soft smile, and her appearance was still reflected in her eyes.

"Don't eat, what do you think there?"

"Nothing." Shi Xiaoya whispered.

Han Zhuo Ling looked at her and said nothing.

They don't know yet, they have been on the Internet for a long time.

Because of the presence of Cao Jingchen and Zhang Xiangyou in the live broadcast, Cheng He's live broadcast was extremely popular.

And Cheng He's live broadcast has always been screened, so he also recorded the voice of Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya.

Unfortunately, because it was in the perspective of Cheng He, I couldn't record the two characters' characters together.

But this also cannot prevent someone from taking the screen recording, the dialogue between Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya, and then re-integrating it into a paragraph and putting it online.

This live broadcast has attracted a lot of people, even more people heard Han Zhuoling petting Shi Xiaoya all the way.

One by one excitedly posted on the Internet, they shocked those entertainment Vs.

After the launch of Entertainment V, even the netizens who did not know it already knew it.

The CP relationship between Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya had been awful before, and it was precisely because of this foundation.

At a glance, those entertainment accounts can attract traffic and forward or write.

[Han Zhuo Ling's relationship is exposed? 】

[Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya Dating in the Chicken Game]

[Suspected Han Zhuo Ling's girlfriend, who is Shi Xiaoya? 】

Someone started to introduce Shi Xiaoya in detail.

Although she doesn't know her family background, she turned out the video she took and the makeup she painted. She is a well-known makeup artist.

And all this, Shi Xiaoya doesn't know yet.

After a tiring day, everyone returned to their room to rest.

Shi Xiaoya just had her grooming done, and she received a call from Shi Nancang.

"Brother, are you home?" Shi Xiaoya picked up and asked.

"No, I'm still in S city." Shi Nancang went there for a business trip. "I just returned to the hotel after paying for my entertainment. I was on the way to see if you updated Weibo today, and I saw you and Han Zhuoling."

"Ah?" Shi Xiaoya immediately raised her heart nervously. "Me and Han Zhuo Ling? What's the matter?"

"Still pretending to be stupid with me? It's spread all over the Internet, saying you are together." Shi Nancang asked. "Is it true?"

"How could this be transmitted online?"

"It's not that you were eating chicken with Han Zhuo Ling today. Netizens recorded your conversation with them." Shi Nancang said, "I also think that Han Zhuo Ling is good enough for you."

"Is that so?" Shi Xiaoya grinned twice. "I was deliberately enlarged. Do you take care of the girls when you play games?"

"I also played it when I was in school. I haven't played for years. How can I have the time and carelessness?" Shi Nancang rolled his eyes, "Han Zhuo Ling is not even a gamer."

"Isn't there a young e-sports kid among the guests we recorded today? It's still the world champion. I asked him to take two games. Han Zhuo Ling did not play, but he played in the second game. Well, it takes care of me. "Shi Xiaoya explained.

"Really?" Shi Nancang expressed doubts. "Because of this, he Han Zhuo Ling can play games with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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