The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1768: Be my girlfriend, okay?

Chapter 1768 Become My Girlfriend, OK?

"So, there is another question, you have never answered me." Han Zhuoling said.

Shi Xiaoya was long confused by his sentence.

A heart beats extremely violently.

Although I was a little certain in my heart, I thought it was the same thing. After hearing him say it, I was still nervous and excited.

A heart seemed to jump out, because of breathing, and his chest was violently undulating, and accidentally, he hit Han Zhuo Ling's chest.

Shi Xiaoya was startled, holding her breath nervously.

Han Zhuo Ling's gaze deepened, and he looked down slightly, glanced at Shi Xiaoya's chest without concealment.

She was clearly wearing thick pajamas, but it seemed as though she was going to see her.

Shi Xiaoya's first reaction was to raise her arms to block, but Han Zhuo Ling was too close to her, there was no room to raise her hands.

Han Zhuo Ling's eyes fell on her face again, "I asked you last night, if you saw other women, not just Jiang Yuhan, any other woman, entered my room, what would you do?"

What will happen

Shi Xiaoya thought that she would be very angry and sad, and then she would hide herself in the quilt and cry to death.

After that, if not necessary, he would never contact Han Zhuo Ling again.

Under such assumptions, she is not who he is, she is not qualified to blame him for betrayal, but can only sadly find another woman.

But she couldn't tell.

Just about to lower his head, he heard a sigh of Han Zhuo Ling.

"I'm stupid, and actually asked you this assumption that can never happen." Han Zhuo Ling bowed her head, stale with Shi Xiaoya's eyes.

His eyes pressed on her, "I won't have a little thing with other women, and I won't even give others this chance. I have never been such a casual person. Even without a girlfriend, I wouldn't mess around. I never liked that casual relationship between men and women. "

"You are with me, you never have to worry about this kind of problem. The assumptions I said don't exist at all." Han Zhuoling held the door with one hand and lowered his head to Shi Xiaoya, "I can give you enough security, you don't have to be Those messy things bother. "

"I've never been interested in messy people and things. If I wanted to, I wouldn't know how many women came over. But then I feel dirty. Whether it's love or marriage, I won't betray. You believe me . "

Shi Xiaoya nodded unconsciously after he stared so urgently.

However, it is not under pressure.

But she really believed that Han Zhuo Ling was not a person who was casually involved with the opposite sex.

And in his previous marriage, even if he did not love, he did not betray that marriage.

For Han Zhuoling's character, she is absolutely trustworthy.

"So--" Han Zhuoling looked at her carefully, unwilling to let go of the slightest bit on her face, "Be my girlfriend, okay?"

Shi Xiaoya is completely stupid.

After Han Zhuo Ling's remarks, those things that she was still worried about last night were suddenly unexpected.

She wants to say yes.

But then suddenly speechless, the whole person was stupid.

For a long time, because Han Zhuo Ling did not say so, she did not dare to think about anything.

But now that Han Zhuoling was in front of her, she spoke so plainly, and she said so clearly that Shi Xiaoya had an unreal feeling.

The whole portrait stepped on the cotton, and stood soft and unstable.

Make a confession, ask for a monthly pass, and make a confession! Good night ~~

(End of this chapter)

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