The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1779: Wait for you

Chapter 1779 Waiting For You

On what basis!

Shi Xiaoya had her makeup done when she was in the room.

So after Han Zhuo Ling had eaten well, she directly applied makeup to Han Zhuo Ling, simply brightened his complexion, and it was done.

The next day's program officially started recording.

Lu Dongliu was out of the camera and said, "Yesterday, as the first place Han Zhuo Ling, he got the first place award. He has an important prop in his hand, which can bring people back to life in the show. This reward item is It can be snatched. "

Shi Xiaoya said that Lu Dongliu can be overcast!

Not only did he talk about reward items, but it also made Han Zhuo Ling the target of criticism.

It is likely that other guests cooperated and all aimed at Han Zhuo Ling.

In this way, Han Zhuo Ling's pressure will increase, which is equivalent to one person to four people.

"Of course, in order to avoid the situation that everyone is targeting one person, there is another item that can protect the reward item, and that item must be found in the clues." Lu Dongliu said.

"Now, in accordance with the order of yesterday's customs clearance, please invite guests to leave every five minutes in turn." Lu Dongliu said.

Shi Xiaoya was relieved.

In this way, at least Han Zhuo Ling can find a place to hide first, and then find a way to find the props that can protect the pocket watch.

Fortunately, Lu Dongliu did not say what the props on Han Zhuoling looked like.

Otherwise, he really sold Han Zhuo Ling clean.

Shi Xiaoya glanced at Lu Dongliu, and Lu Dao was really fighting for the highlights of the show. Even Han Zhuoling dare to pit.

Sure enough, seeing Lu Dongliu hiding behind the camera, his face was guilty.

Obviously I knew that I had pitted Han Zhuo Ling, Zheng Zheng.

"Now, it's officially started." Lu Dongliu pressed the timer. "Please Han Zhuoling to go first."

Han Zhuo Ling took a look at Shi Xiaoya and left.

After five minutes, Shi Xiaoya set off for the second time.

Who knew that just after leaving the gate of the castle hotel, he saw Han Zhuoling standing in the center, waiting generously.

Shi Xiaoya was taken aback. He set off five minutes in advance. With her time out of the hotel, it has been more than ten minutes.

He hasn't left, he has been waiting here.

Shi Xiaoya hurried over.

The director who followed Han Zhuo Ling, and the camera brother who followed him, were embarrassed.

Ling Shao didn't come to record the show.

He's here to fall in love!

Don't hurry up to find clues, you have to wait for Shi Xiaoya here.

Is this OK?

"Why didn't you go?" Shi Xiaoya stood before him.

Han Zhuoling said with a smile, "Wait for you."

He reached out and flicked Shi Xiaoya's forehead lightly, "I'm afraid they bullied you and eliminated you first."

Shi Xiaoya subconsciously blocked his forehead and refused to let him play again. "The props are in your hands, they must cooperate to **** the props on your hands. How dangerous you are to wait for me here."

"It's okay, isn't there five minutes?" Han Zhuo Ling held Shi Xiaoya's hand directly, "Let's go."

Shi Xiaoya looked down at the hands they held together. In front of the camera, Han Zhuo Ling didn't cover up at all. He was very generous and didn't intend to cover up the relationship between the two.

Following the female director Han Zhuoling, she boldly asked: "Ling Shao, if you have been doing this, it will not be easy to cut it later."

Han Zhuoling looked at the director with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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