The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1782: Please continue your show

Chapter 1782 Please Continue Your Performance

Han Zhuo Ling's explanation is quite reasonable, he has no advantage in one to four.

It's better to hand things over, so as to avoid wasting physical strength and not keeping the props.

And as Han Zhuo Ling said, he came to increase the popularity of the show.

He didn't need to rely on the show to make himself famous, and he had no interest in being famous.

Although he is now famous.

He doesn't even have to come to many shows.

In this case, there is really no reason for Han Zhuo Ling to protect his props.

Shi Xiaoya saw that Han Zhuo Ling took out the fake props she had seen before from her pocket.

A blue and white porcelain vial.

It contains a hawthorn pill.

Han Zhuoling gave this to Cao Jingchen, "This prop is a detoxification pill. As far as I guess, it may be poisoned during the mission. As for the reasons, there are many possibilities. Perhaps one of the clue props can release poison to us Props. In short, there are many possibilities. "

"And this pill can guarantee that if you take it after poisoning, and successfully detoxify, it is tantamount to bringing you back to life and giving you an extra life." Han Zhuo Ling said.

The director kept smiling.

Very good, Ling Shao, please continue your performance.

She pretended to be almost convinced.

As it happens, Han Zhuo Ling can also match up with what Lu Dongliu said before.

Lu Dongliu said before that the props in Han Zhuoling's hands can be said to be able to bring back to life.

As it happens, Han Zhuoling's remarks also coincided with what Lu Dongliu said before.

In this short period of time, Han Zhuoling thought of such good reasons and found such reasonable fake props.

The director had a hunch, and today I am afraid that Han Zhuo Ling will win again.

Looking at the other four people, Han Zhuo Ling was fooled enough.

Hearing Han Zhuoling said, "But there is only one pill, which means that it can only be detoxified once. If it is poisoned later, it is really eliminated."

"Let's do it." Cao Jingchen took the porcelain bottle, took out the hawthorn pills inside, crushed it directly, and left it in the trash.

"This way, there is no such reward item, we all start again." Cao Jingchen said.

Everyone agreed.

"We're here to talk to Luban. Did you find a clue?" Han Zhuoling asked.

"No, there is no one here when we come in." Cheng He shook his head.

"It looks like we're going to start looking again."

Seeing that Han Zhuo Ling hadn't left, they were afraid they had missed any clues and left with them.

Han Zhuo Ling walked around the shop silently and looked around.

The shop is small, and it will be finished in a few eyes.

"It looks like there is no clue here, let's look elsewhere." Han Zhuo Ling said.

Take Shi Xiaoya away.

"Well, let's break up, too," Cao Jingchen said.

Several other people broke up to find clues.

After a few minutes, the four found that everyone else was just like themselves, hiding around the shop.

Everyone: "..."

Cao Jingchen: "What are you doing?"

Cheng He scratched his head and said very honestly, "I doubt that Ling Shao has seen any clues, because we are all here, and he can't say anything. So he kept hiding here to see if he would return."

"Me too ..." Zhang Xiangyou said.

"Coincidentally ..." Liu Chuanhui smiled awkwardly.

"It looks like he won't come back, just don't know if he didn't really see it, or he has found a clue."

The sixth is at 2: 30 ~

(End of this chapter)

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