The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1789: Going to change

Chapter 1789: Change In The Sky

"When you look at it, you still can't believe that such good luck will belong to you. You can't sleep when you're awake, for fear of waking up, you find it's just a dream. From time to time, you need to take a look and make sure it is real It happened. "

"Even so, I still feel unreliable, because I always feel that such a good thing, it does not seem to belong to myself." Shi Xiaoya did not finish, her lips have been kissed by Han Zhuo Ling.

"I don't know, I'm so good in your eyes." Han Zhuo Ling said, "You are the same for me. That's why I want to come over and hug you, because I am afraid that you will leave, I am afraid You suddenly change your mind and find that I don't really deserve you. I'm afraid you find that you don't really like me that much. "

Shi Xiaoya opened her mouth. I did not expect that Han Zhuo Ling would have such a lack of confidence.

"I'm not that good. It's not something in the window. You can see but you can't touch it." Han Zhuoling whispered, his palm rested on the back of Shi Xiaoya, and sunken there, gently , Slow Capricorn.

"I'm a normal person, with all sorts of shortcomings and minor faults, and some bad temper." Han Zhuo Ling sneered, "Nothing seems to be too useful now. We have been together for a long time, you will find. "

"I'm afraid you will get bored when you find these," Han Zhuoling said.

Shi Xiaoya shook her head, "No."

It's like a little habit, some informal, everyone has it.

Two people together, aren't these just to run into each other?

"Sleep." Han Zhuo Ling said, "You are tired today, and you will be tired when you return tomorrow."

"Well, good night." Shi Xiaoya was really tired, not like she fell asleep for a long time last night.

As soon as she finished speaking, she closed her eyes and fell asleep sleepily.

Han Zhuoling laughed.

This girl, can't believe it.

I slept so hard.

Who knew that the next morning, when Shi Xiaoya woke up, Han Zhuo Ling had not left.

With her eyes open, Han Zhuo Ling's eyes closed.

Shi Xiaoya didn't turn around, she could only work hard to stretch her arm back, and finally fumbled to her mobile phone to see the time.

"What's going on?" Han Zhuoring was awakened by her.

Shi Xiaoya's heart explained how Ming was just together, how she was made to feel like an old man and wife by Han Zhuo Ling.

"Get up soon, you have to go to the airport in Ningshi." Shi Xiaoya saw him awake and pushed him directly, "Otherwise it's too late!"

Although it is Han Zhuo Ling's private jet, even if it is really late, he will wait there and reschedule a takeoff time.

But Shi Xiaoya still wants to go back to City B as soon as possible.

Han Zhuo Ling didn't want to get up, and kissed her again before getting up.

He returned to his room to clean up.

After a while, both were packed.

I went to the hotel restaurant for a quick breakfast, and then I joined Guo Yujie at the beginning of the year and went to Ning Airport.

It was already half past three in the afternoon when we arrived in city B.

Han Zhuoling's car has been parked at the airport.

At the beginning of the year, Guo Yujie and Tan Yujie were very acquainted not to make the two of them.

In the early years, the gentleman sent Guo Yujie back.

Shi Xiaoya got into Han Zhuo Ling's car.

Returning to Shi Xiaoya's home together, seeing that Han Zhuo Ling had no intention of leaving, Shi Xiaoya asked: "Aren't you going back to the company?"

"I won't go to the company today." Han Zhuo Ling said.

Shi Xiaoya was surprised that the man didn't immediately go back to work, it really changed.

6 more complete, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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