The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1795: Brother, what do you say?

Chapter 1795 Brother, What Do You Say?

Dong Qingxing said with a smile: "This is a family banquet now! Then we are not convenient to stay, so let's go first."

"It's okay." Han Zhuoling said, "You are my eldest brother's friend, because I came and you left instead. This is not appropriate. And this is the time to eat. Let you go on an empty stomach.

After Han Zhuo Ling said, he turned to look at Shi Nancang, "Brother, what do you say?"

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Shi Nancang: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Shi Nancang is smaller than Han Zhuo Ling!

Han Zhuoling actually called Shi Nancang as the elder brother!

Thanks to Han Zhuoli and Han Zhuofeng are not here.

Will one day hear that his elder brother calls others the elder brother, can it be better?

Even though Shi Nancang was shocked by the fact that Han Zhuo Ling was with Shi Xiaoya, she was even depressed because Shi Xiaoya was obviously hiding something from him, but she didn't dare to respond to Han Zhuoling.

Who's so dare!

Even Shi Xiaoya couldn't help pinching his hand to make him normal.

Chen Sibin also said, "Still, if Ling Shaoken admires the light, then we will meet again next time. Today you and Xiaoya met Nancang in this capacity for the first time, we are no longer suitable. In many words, Nan Cang was probably embarrassed to say in front of us. We will go first. "

Zhong Litao also pulled Shen Shi'an up.

It's all like this, Shen Shi'an knew that he was one step too late, except for depression, he had no other thoughts.

"Yeah, let's go first." Zhong Litao said.

"Sorry, I asked you to come out today, and it ended like this." Shi Nancang said embarrassedly.

But as Chen Sibin said, he did have a lot of words, and wanted to talk to Shi Xiaoya and Han Zhuoling separately.

"I can't let you go hungry." Han Zhuo Ling said.

He called the manager again.

"Ling Shao." The manager rushed over at the fastest speed and walked directly to Han Zhuo Ling.

"Open my room and ask them to come over. Their expenses tonight are on my account." Han Zhuo Ling said.

"Yes." The manager nodded.

"That won't work, they are my friends, how can I make you spend money." Shi Nancang said immediately.

Han Zhuoling smiled and said, "It's all my own. You're welcome."

Shi Nancang: "..."

Who is with you?

You two have just been in love for two days!

The manager hurriedly withdrew from the war without smoke between Shi Nancang and Han Zhuo Ling, and said to the rest, "Some people, please follow me."

"Ling Shao, you are very kind." Dong Qingxing smiled, but did not refuse.

Several people thanked Han Zhuo Ling and left.

Shen Shi'an fell to the end, still could not help looking back at Shi Xiaoya.

The results just turned around, but they met Han Zhuoling's eyes.

Han Zhuo Ling's sense of existence was so strong that Shen Shi An couldn't see Shi Xiaoya when Han Zhuo Ling looked at him.

I saw Han Zhuoling with a clear look, as if seeing him through.

Shen Shi'an hurriedly turned around and did not dare to look at it anymore, leaving with the others.

Only three of them were left in the room.

Shi Nancang asked Shi Xiaoya, "Tell me the truth, have you known each other for a long time?"

"It's been a while," Han Zhuo Ling said, "big-"

The word "brother" behind was stopped by Shi Nancang.

"Ling Shao, don't call me that, I'm listening awkwardly," said Shi Nancang. "Even if you fall in love with Xiaoya, you don't need to call me brother."

6 is more complete, don't forget the monthly pass, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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