The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1797: Turn around

Chapter 1797: Turning The Corner

That's why we find comfort in others.

She was wrong, but she was also innocent.

Her tragedy was caused by Han Zhuoling.

Therefore, through Xia Yixin's mouth, many people really knew that Han Zhuo Ling had no relationship with her.

But how many people sympathize with Xia Yixin, it's impossible to say.

Therefore, when Han Zhuo Ling said this, Shi Nancang believed.

But still a bit uneasy.

For the first time, Han Zhuoling had a heartbeat on a woman.

Or, he won't love someone yet. This is the first time that he has no experience.

There may be many frictions between him and Shi Xiaoya, resulting in Shi Xiaoya being wronged.

Maybe the two will eventually break up.

This relationship became Han Zhuo Ling's experience.

That's the kind of thing. I tuned and taught my ex-boyfriend, but he used it to pet other women and made wedding clothes for her.

But, of course, there is another possibility.

Such a man who has never tempted, once tempted, he will die down and spoil you.

Which one would it be? Shi Nancang said badly.

But because it involves his younger sister, Shi Nancang was particularly tangled and hesitated.

"Even if you don't believe me, you should believe in Xiaoya's vision." When Han Zhuo Ling said this, he was still a little proud.

Shi Xiaoya's vision is so good, I saw him!

Shi Nancang: "..."

It always felt that Han Zhuoling was still bragging about himself.

"Brother, believe me." Shi Xiaoya said, "I ... I like him very much."

Shi Nancang sighed, leaving Han Zhuo Ling too workaholic, his temper is a bit cold, and his character is still trustworthy.

It's just that Han Zhuo Ling is too old a fox. Shi Xiaoya compares with him, it is really not enough to look at, he must be left to be bullied.

Xiaoya partial poetry is not a strong character in itself.

Shi Nancang is actually afraid of his sister being wronged.

You said that if the other party is Shen Shi'an, he is a friend, and the two families are equal, he can still support Shi Xiaoya.

Shen Shi'an no longer dares to bully Shi Xiaoya.

Can be replaced with Han Zhuo Ling, Shi Xiaoya does not know how much to lose!

When Shi Nancang was thinking so, he listened to Shi Xiaoya and said, "Before him, work was first, but now, I am."

Shi Nancang: "..."

It's hard to say everything.

How could anyone say that?

Not afraid of Han Zhuo Ling jokes!

Who knows, Han Zhuoling smiled and agreed, "Yes."

"We are back today at more than three o'clock in the afternoon, and he didn't go to the company." Shi Xiaoya put her arm on the table, her hand on her chin, and said with a smile, "Because I want to stay with me, I won't work anymore. go to company."

Shi Nancang: "..."

It's so tiring to look at his silly sister.

However, looking at Han Zhuoling's reaction, it was obvious that even Shi Xiaoya's silly look was excellent.

Now she is smiling at Shi Xiaoya.

Really ... when have you seen Han Zhuo Ling smile so tenderly!

Don't say that, even a smile is rare.

Shi Nancang suddenly remembered, and at this moment, Han Zhuoling laughed much more.

He just heard what Shi Xiaoya said, but in fact he was shocked.

I did not expect that Han Zhuo Ling really ranked the work second.

At least it can be seen that Shi Xiaoya's status in his heart is indeed higher than his work.

(End of this chapter)

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