The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1803: 1842-1844 scared you?

Chapter 1803 1842-1844 Scared You?

"After all, they are all adults now, and they are not the conservative atmosphere of the past. Sometimes when you reach that step, it is not that you can avoid it. There is always a chance. So you must take measures."

"Also, let him wear it. Let him wear it. Taking medicine is not good for women. If he dares to take care of himself and let you take medicine, you will break up with him immediately. Such a man cannot." Shi Nancang said.

"Brother, you can stop talking." Shi Xiaoya quickly closed her ears.

"Hey, let me tell you the business." Shi Nancang pulled her hand from her ear.

"I know!" Shi Xiaoya's face was terribly hot.

"This is for your good, don't be stupid!" Shi Nancang said helplessly.

"I know." Shi Xiaoya said uncomfortably.

Shi Nancang shook his head and sighed. Why is this silly sister so uneasy?


The car finally drove downstairs to Shi Xiaoya's house.

Although it is an elevator to enter the home, the security is higher.

But Shi Nancang sent Shi Xiaoya to the door.

"Okay, you're tired with the team for a few days. I'm not bothering you here, you should rest quickly." Shi Nancang said.

"Um." Shi Xiaoya stood at the door and watched Shi Nancang enter the elevator.

She yawned and was really tired.

Just when I wanted to take a bath, it suddenly sounded. I haven't reported it to Han Zhuo Ling.

He sent another WeChat message, "I'm home."

Then, holding the phone directly to the bathroom.

I plan to wait for Han Zhuo Ling's reply while taking a bath.

He may not be home at this time, he may still be on the road, and he may not see the information.

Because this is my first love, this feeling is very novel.

This is the first time you have to talk to the other person no matter what you do.

When you get home, you don't just have to go home by yourself, you have to talk to the other person.

Someone is thinking, there is personal information waiting.

Even at home, you don't feel alone.

Even if he wasn't in front of him, he knew there was someone far away with her.

Shi Xiaoya laughed unconsciously.

Adjust the water temperature, mix the bath water, and take out a bag of hot spring powder from the cabinet and sprinkle it in.

The steaming water smelled a little sulphur in the hot spring, steaming her tiredness away, she was almost comfortable and almost fell asleep in the bathtub.

Until she took a shower, she had not received any information from Han Zhuo Ling.

However, this did not make her wonder.

Shi Xiaoya didn't mind, and after applying the moisturizer, she took out a silk robe from the bathroom closet.

When she first designed it, she asked the designer to get a closet in the bathroom, which was designed to take some clothes with her after taking a shower.

Because I was at home alone, and I did n’t wear any inner clothes in my robe, so I just tied it around my waist.

Drying her hair and packing herself, Shi Xiaoya planned to go back to the bedroom and put on a thick layer of sleeping mask before going to sleep.

As a result, the bathroom was just opened, and unexpectedly, people ran straight into a meat wall.

Shi Xiaoya was startled. Anyone who just came out of the shower and ran into someone who broke in was frightened.

Shi Xiaoya opened her mouth nervously, but smelled a familiar fragrance.

"I'm scaring you?" Han Zhuo Ling's voice sounded from her ear.

Shi Xiaoya remembered that he had her family card.

"Scared me." Shi Xiaoya was really frightened just now.

At this moment, I was afraid, thinking that the house was a thief.

She gave him a stunned look. "Aren't you home?"

No wonder she never returned to her WeChat, it turned out she was always on the road.

"I was not able to say goodbye to you when I was leaving. I have been uneasy." Han Zhuoring whispered.

Shi Xiaoya gave a strange "Ah", "How come? There is obviously a goodbye."

Han Zhuo Ling smiled, "Farewell like this."

As soon as he finished speaking, he took Shi Xiaoya's waist and held her in his arms.

"Xiaoya!" Suddenly, Shi Nancang's voice rang again.

Shi Xiaoya was totally stiff and hugged Han Zhuoling in a hurry, afraid to speak.

Why is Shi Nancang back?

Aren't he gone?

I really do!

Shi Xiaoya wants to give back the card in Shi Nancang's hand, otherwise she will really talk to Han Zhuo Ling ...

Shi Nancang suddenly came in, how awkward!

At this moment all the fever subsided.

Shi Xiaoya couldn't care less about her shyness in her disheveled clothes. She hugged Han Zhuoling tightly and asked with a tone of voice: "how ... what to do?"

Han Zhuo Ling was also furious.

He didn't actually think so fast, but things got to this point unknowingly.

Originally, he just wanted to get along with Shi Xiaoya alone. Who knew that Shi Nancang suddenly called Shi Xiaoya out for dinner.

That's fine, he forbears.

Isn't it OK when Shi Nancang leaves?

As a result, at this time, the poem Nancang came to stir again.

He took a deep breath, opened the bathroom door, and took Shi Xiaoya in.

Shi Nancang's voice rang out again, "Xiaoya, I forgot to take my cellphone, so I can't call you, I can only fold it back. Have you slept?"

Han Zhuo Ling said that there is so much trouble in Shi Nancang!

Shi Xiaoya quickly pushed him.

Han Zhuo Ling gave her a reassuring look and went out.

With Han Zhuo Ling, Shi Xiaoya can be assured no matter what happens.

When Han Zhuo Ling went out, Shi Xiaoya slowly calmed down, only to find out how bad her clothes were.

Shi Xiaoya's blushing didn't work, she suddenly felt hot.

When Shi Xiaoya cleaned up, she hurried out.

See Shi Nancang and Han Zhuo Ling facing each other.

"Brother." Shi Xiaoya hurried.

Shi Nancang looked at Shi Xiaoya and Han Zhuo Ling, and responded very quickly. "Why did you both come out of one place?"

Look at Shi Xiaoya's blushing beauty, it is clear that she has just been taken advantage of by Han Zhuo Ling.

If he hadn't forgotten to take his mobile phone back, he wouldn't know that Han Zhuo Ling had been sly waiting for him to leave, and came to Shi Xiaoya again!

Although she told Shi Xiaoya in the car before, she did not interfere with her relationship with Han Zhuo Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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