The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1805: At my girlfriend's house

Chapter 1805: At My Girlfriend's House

In fact, it's not too late, it's just over nine o'clock.

Han Zhuofeng followed Sun Yiwu into the group to study and was not at home recently.

Lin Liye is alone at home. She has recently been hooked on a drama, which is rare in recent years.

She knew it late, and was given to her by the old lady, Amway. Now that she hasn't seen the latest update episode, she stays up late every night to watch one episode after another.

"When is the plane? Why did you come back at this time?" Lin Li Yeshun asked.

I don't know if it's her illusion. After asking this, Han Zhuo Ling looked vaguely confused.

Lin Liye said it was impossible.

Her son is steady and terrible, and there is no vigor for her peers.

As a child, Han Zhuoli took Han Zhuofeng to the house to uncover the tile.

Han Zhuoling then educated and protected two younger brothers.

Every day like a little old man.

It will be even worse when we get older.

Anyway, from small to big, I haven't seen him lose his character.

Lin Liye felt that it must be his own illusion.

Just listen to Han Zhuo Ling said: "More than three o'clock, less than four o'clock, you will be back."

"The company you went to directly?" Lin Liye knew.

"Ah, that's not right." Lin Liye looked around. "What about your luggage?"

Han Zhuo Ling hooked his mouth upwards, and immediately retracted.

I can't help but ticked it up again and immediately took it back.

This time back and forth several times, Lin Liye looked like a cramp.

"I said, what's wrong with your mouth?" Lin Liye looked at Han Zhuoling suspiciously.

What's wrong, what's wrong.

Today, Han Zhuo Ling's facial nerve seems to be very active.

Han Zhuo Ling is really happy, sorrowful.

Want to laugh.

However, his long-term habits and self-control have made him unable to make such a big expression.

So there was a smile now that seemed cramping.

Han Zhuo Ling cleared his throat, pretending to be indifferent, "put it in my girlfriend's house."

"Oh." Lin Liye nodded, turning around and going back to watch her TV show.

Just took a step and paused suddenly.

Lin Liye turned quickly and almost flashed his waist.

"What did you say?" Lin Liye was shocked.

"I said, I put it in my girlfriend's house." Han Zhuo Ling was very proud, and even spoke a pride.

Who knows, Lin Liye stepped back suddenly, "Your girlfriend? What girlfriend? While you were holding Xiaoya, you turned to find a girlfriend? Nothing! You are too much!"

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

What exactly is his mother looking at recently? The brain is so powerful.

Originally, I also wanted to show off, who knows that Lin Liye was taken away.

"My girlfriend is Xiaoya, where do others come from? Who can I look for in addition to her?" Han Zhuoling said helplessly.

"Huh?" Lin Liye suddenly surprised and grabbed Han Zhuo Ling's arm. "You mean, you and Xiaoya are officially in love?"

Seeing that Lin Liye finally understood, Han Zhuoling nodded with a smile, got off the plane to take her home, and forgot to take it back with her.

"What's wrong? You've been there for her, didn't you go to the company?" Lin Liye said in surprise.

This is really the sun hitting the west!

"It doesn't count, but she has always been with her," Han Zhuo Ling explained. "I had a meal with her brother at night."

6 is more comprehensive, please find the monthly ticket on the last day of this month, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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