The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1807: 1949 Can't wait to see her right now

Chapter 1807: Can't Wait For Her To Be Now

"Mom." Lin Liye interrupted quickly, otherwise the old lady would have to spoil her.

It's almost malicious.

The old lady regretted "Oh", Lin Liye reacted quite quickly.

"Mom, I'll tell you a happy event, big happy event!" Lin Liye was more excited than discussing the plot at this time.

"Huh?" The old lady heard it, as if it meant gossip, and immediately came to the spirit, "What happy thing?"

"Zuo Ling ... Zuo Ling him!" Lin Liye said with excitement, "Zuo Ling and Xiao Ya are officially together. He is also a girlfriend now!"

"Ouch!" The old woman slaps her legs in excitement.

The old man bit his teeth in pain.

The old lady didn't think there was anything wrong. She patted her legs and didn't feel it. She just patted her on the leg.

"When is it going?" The old lady asked excitedly.

"I didn't know it until just now, and I called you immediately. Didn't Zhuo Ling go to record the program two days ago? Just with Xiaoya." Lin Liye said proudly, "This child is really powerful. I thought he wouldn't say anything in silence, but didn't expect to go this time, so he confessed to Xiaoya. "

"I saw it early, Xiaoya must like him, too," said the old woman with a smile. "But he didn't say, other girls are also embarrassed. What if I get it wrong? Well now."

"Yeah, and they have an appointment, they will meet Xiaoya's parents this Saturday." Lin Liye said, "It can be seen that Xiaoya's brother and parents both particularly hurt her. So when there is a man Friends, quickly take home to reassure the family. "

The old man guessed something from the old lady's words, and hurriedly opened his ears to listen.

On the other hand, Han Zhuo Ling finally explained to Lin Liye and returned to the bedroom.

The grandmother at home has adjusted the water temperature for him.

Han Zhuo Ling took the mobile phone into the bathtub. After everything was in order, it was time to reopen WeChat and send a video invitation to Shi Xiaoya.

Shi Xiaoya did not receive a reply from Han Zhuoling, so she had to wait.

A ringtone suddenly sounded at this time, and it looked like an invitation to a video call.

Shi Xiaoya turned on the light and sat up.

Put the pillow and the pillow upright and lean on them softly, and then they are connected.

I thought Han Zhuo Ling had packed up before sending her a video call.

Who knew that as soon as the screen turned on, Han Zhuo Ling's chest was seen.

Shi Xiaoya closed her eyes subconsciously.

Han Zhuoling's low laugh came from her mobile phone, so humiliating, she moved her ears and her apex.

Shi Xiaoya carefully lifted her eyelids before slowly opening her eyes again.

"What a shy thing, and nothing that shouldn't be exposed." Han Zhuoring laughed.

He wanted to show it to Shi Xiaoya.

But it all looks the same as metamorphosis.

Shi Xiaoya just noticed that his voice was a bit empty, like in the bathroom, and the background was like.

"Are you in the bathroom?" Shi Xiaoya asked.

"Well, I just got home and are taking a bath," Han Zhuo Ling explained. "She told me about our two things just now, and she was very happy."

Shi Xiaoya pouted and laughed with a particularly naughty look.

Seeing Han Zhuo Ling was eager to move, can't wait for her right now.

I really want to pinch her nose, pinch her cheek, and kiss her again.

"I told my parents that I will take my boyfriend back on Saturday." Shi Xiaoya smiled slyly. "But I did n’t say it was you, I said I would take my boyfriend, everything Did not say. "

It will scare them by then!

Han Zhuo Ling now finally has a personal feeling of finding a little girlfriend.

So naughty!

"Did they not ask anything?" Han Zhuoling asked with a smile.

"Of course I asked." Shi Xiaoya said with a smile, "But I don't say it, I'll know when they say it. Anyway, they won't make them dissatisfied, just let them believe in my vision and leave one Surprise. "

Han Zhuo Ling smiled helplessly, "I started to worry, what you said made your parents expect too much, so that I would be disappointed to see it."

"How could it be!" Shi Xiaoya did not expect that Han Zhuo Ling would have such a moment of self-confidence. "You are so good, you will only exceed their expectations too much, and you will never be disappointed."

Han Zhuo Ling smiled at the screen.

In the face of the front camera without beauty and mirroring, Han Zhuo Ling's face is still strong and good-looking, showing no flaws at all.

It seemed even more ridiculous to laugh now.

Each of his chuckles seemed to knock on her heart, and rolled on her apex twice.

I don't know when Han Zhuoring's laughter disappeared.

Shi Xiaoya looked out of the screen out of curiosity.

I saw that Han Zhuoling was staring at her, as if studying something.

"What's wrong?" Shi Xiaoya asked with confidence, wondering if there was anything in her face that looked bad on the camera.

Raising his hand and touching his face, he heard Han Zhuo Ling said, "Have you changed your clothes?"

"Huh?" Shi Xiaoya hadn't responded yet.

Han Zhuoling said, "You were wearing a nightgown before."

But now he was wearing the two-piece pajamas he had seen.

Unexpectedly, he would mention this suddenly, Shi Xiaoya's face suddenly became red.

Han Zhuo Ling thought about it and said with a dumb voice, "You still look good in that nightgown."

After speaking, he felt a little regretful.

This is simply self-inflicted.

You can see the red on Han Zhuo Ling's face across the screen.

"What's wrong with you?" Shi Xiaoya asked quickly. "Where is it uncomfortable?"

He blushed a little bit.

"It's okay," Han Zhuoling said dumbly.

"Don't lie to me." Shi Xiaoya hurriedly, "If you are really sick, hurry to the hospital. Should I pass now?"

"I'm not sick. If you come here, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back." Han Zhuoling whispered.

"Ah?" Shi Xiaoya looked innocent.

Han Zhuo Ling's eyes stared deep into Shi Xiaoya on the screen, and Shi Xiaoya's heart beat suddenly.

His eyes seemed to be able to ignore the screen, as if looking at her in front of her.

"Or I'll go," Han Zhuoling said dumbly.

(End of this chapter)

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