The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1813: 1858

Chapter 1813 1858

Despite the vagueness, Han Zhuoling understood.

The little girl was taken aback by his menacing look. I didn't expect that he would be like this ... positive.

"I don't usually feel this way," Han Zhuoling explained with a smile. "It's only when I see you. It doesn't bother me, either to others or myself."

Shi Xiaoya looked up at him in surprise.

Doesn't he usually have that demand?

No wonder some people have speculated before, whether he is sexual. Indifferent.

"I used to work all the time and only slept for four or five hours a day. I could take the time to rest and improve the quality of my sleep. I ca n’t take time to rest, so how can I have strength and thought?" "And it does not interest anyone else."

"Because I met you later, even though I was tired from work, I still couldn't help it here. I only knew that it had nothing to do with whether I was tired or not. But there wasn't such a person who could attract me."

Listening to him, Shi Xiaoya has the illusion that she has become a peerless beauty.

No one can attract him, only she can.

"Remember when recording the first issue of" Survivor ", that morning, the day didn't light up, you went to me, did we still have a misunderstanding?" Han Zhuoling asked in a low voice.

Shi Xiaoya nodded.

How can you not remember?

It was from that misunderstanding that the entanglement between her and Han Zhuo Ling became closer.

Before that misunderstanding, she and Han Zhuo Ling probably would not progress so fast.

Or, you will always maintain such a close and familiar relationship.

He wouldn't take her so deeply into his heart.

It was because of that misunderstanding that Han Zhuoling always remembered that she wanted to ask her for forgiveness.

She doesn't forgive, she keeps away, he always remembers.

The result made her more and more impressed in his heart.

This is really a mistake.

Shi Xiaoya nodded, and then listened to Han Zhuo Ling said, "I was in the tent that day, and I held you in my arms, but I actually had a reaction."

Shi Xiaoya couldn't believe it.

Then ... he was ...

"I thought you hated me then."

"I don't know why. I was pressing you. If you don't push me away, I will kiss you." Han Zhuo Ling said.

Therefore, it was not because of misunderstanding that she was kept in his heart, getting deeper and deeper.

But before that, he had felt her.

"That was the first time I felt this way." Han Zhuo Ling lowered her head and kissed her lips gently. "So, only you will let me do this. When you are away, I won't. No, no so."

"When I took a shower yesterday, I thought of you, so I ..."

Shi Xiaoya quickly covered his mouth to stop him from talking.

Han Zhuo Ling smiled and took her hand down. "Anyway, I don't see you, don't want you, it's okay. But these two things seem a bit difficult for me."

"There is no way to see you, and there is no way to control yourself when you are not around." Han Zhuo Ling said, "It is too difficult."

Shi Xiaoya unconsciously put some effort into her hands.

Han Zhuo Ling felt that when he looked down, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Although I stopped, if you don't want me to stop, you can speak straight." Han Zhuoring laughed.

"Ah?" Shi Xiaoya didn't realize what she had done.

Han Zhuoling gestured, "You're gonna cut my clothes."

Shi Xiaoya followed his gaze, and unconsciously, he unbuttoned the two buttons on his belly!

When did this happen!

"I ... I don't know ..." Shi Xiaoya hurriedly explained, "I didn't mean it!"

Han Zhuoling chuckled, and the inexpressible feeling of his voice was like Zhu Yu rolling on the jade plate, so clean.

"I ... I'll tie it to you!" Shi Xiaoya said in a hurry, and he was about to fasten a button.

But his hand was held by Han Zhuo Ling.

Just when Shi Xiaoya was puzzled, Han Zhuo Ling said, "Since it's all untied, it's better to touch it."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Who said to touch it!

She never said it!

"Why is your hand so soft?" Han Zhuoling sighed.

He was afraid to scare her.

Han Zhuo Ling was tense, took a deep breath, and quickly hugged his buckle.

"It's getting late, I have to go." Han Zhuo Ling said.

Shi Xiaoya nodded.

Han Zhuo Ling took all the clothes out of the suitcase, thought for a while, and said, "I'll take them for washing first, and then I'll bring them back."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Well, since Han Dashao was dismantled, he didn't even bother to install it.

They took it away, washed it, and sent it back, just to put it here.

Shi Xiaoya nodded.

Han Zhuoling put his usual toiletries and a series of daily necessities such as razors into Shi Xiaoya's bathroom.

Take the rest with the box.

Shi Xiaoya sent him to the door, and Han Zhuo Ling looked at her, pointed her lips, "Don't give a farewell kiss?"

Shi Xiaoya said in his heart, I have kissed for so long, but I have n’t kissed enough?

She stomped her feet and quickly kissed Han Zhuo Ling's lips.

As the elevator door opened, Shi Xiaoya took Han Zhuo Ling into the elevator.

She did not return until the door was closed, lying on the balcony and watching Han Zhuoling drive away.

(End of this chapter)

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