The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1832: Snobbish

Chapter 1832 Snob

Even if you do n’t wait to see him, you ca n’t be like Lu Manna, and do n’t take Han Dongping seriously.

The old lady's lips were better off than asking him to come.

He just came today and sat next to Lin Liye.

Lin Liye didn't like to talk to him, and Han Dongping didn't take the initiative to talk to Lin Liye.

But sitting next to Lin Liye all the time, it looked very subtle.

The old lady looked coldly, Han Dongping seemed to want to make peace with Lin Liye, but couldn't pull his face to talk softly, so he could only sit silently next to Lin Liye.

Lin Liye ignored him.

Ha ha!

Regardless of!

It was all he found!

The old lady looked at Han Dongping's deadly support and suddenly knew who Han Zhuoling was like.

It seems to be real, it looks like this dead support.

However, Han Zhuo Ling is much stronger than Han Dongping. At least when people encounter a girl they like, they know to put down their skin and pursue it.

No, it wasn't long before I took Shi Xiaoya home.

Just thinking, the doorbell rang.

The old lady said expectantly, "Is Zhuo Ling and Xiaoya here?"

Sun Yan has been near the door, always ready, waiting for Han Zhuo Ling to come, and quickly opened the door.

So the doorbell just rang, and before it was over, Sun Yan immediately came to the door.

Hearing the old lady ’s question, she smiled and turned back, “Yes, it ’s Master Dao and Miss Xiaoya.”

Sun Yan quickly opened the door.

After a few moments, I heard Sun Howling: "Master, Miss Shi."

Immediately after, she saw Han Zhuoling and Shi Xiaoya coming in.

Shi Xiaoya also held the gift for the first official visit.

When the old lady saw her, she said, "Why are you so polite!"

"It was supposed to be." Shi Xiaoya said with a smile. "And Zhuo Ling went to my house yesterday. You and aunt brought a lot of things for him to pass. My mother was very sad when she knew. The gift must not be rude. As a result, she was still uneasy. She went to select it yesterday afternoon and sent it to me this morning. "

"Hey, my in-laws are really kind." The old woman said with a smile, and she never refused the offer.

Du Yimin was very attentive and prepared gifts for each of the elders of the Han family, instead of taking a bunch of them and letting them share.

Unexpectedly, Han Dongping had a good attitude towards Shi Xiaoya, and Yan Yuese, compared to Lu Man at the time, it was really different treatment.

But all of you here are smart people, and after thinking about it, Han Dongping obviously knew Shi Xiaoya's family background.

Although the poet is not comparable to the Han family, it is no worse than the previous Xia Yixin family.

Han Dongping was able to accept Xia Yixin, and naturally he was more able to accept Shi Xiaoya.

To put it bluntly, it is still snobbish to see people serving dishes.

Originally because he was willing to reconcile with Lin Liye, although the method was awkward, the old lady still felt that the son was not completely hopeless.

But now looking at his attitude towards Shi Xiaoya and Lu Man, it's almost like changing his face.

When confronted with Shi Xiaoya the previous second, she was very polite and kind, but the next second, when she saw Lu Man, she looked cold.

This speed is also no one.

Shen Nuo was very uncomfortable and patted Lu Man's back in private.

"Never mind him, you have us. Besides, your dad is not eating dry food." Lu Man, the father of Shen Nuo, was naturally Wang Juhuai.

No one would look at Lu Qiyuan's father as Lu Man.

(End of this chapter)

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