The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1834: No need to count

Chapter 1834: No More Counting

Looking at Han Dongping's performance today, Han Zhuo Ling also guessed his intention.

He didn't care much about his parents, so he left with Shi Xiaoya.

But when I got on the bus, I called Lin Liye's driver. "My mother, you watch more. If your wife quarrels with your husband, you remember to protect your wife. No matter what happens, I carry it, so You don't need to have scruples. "

The driver understood, "You can rest assured, I know."

Hanging up the phone, seeing Shi Xiaoya's confusion, Han Zhuo Ling did not hide her, "At first, my mother always blamed herself because of my previous marriage. It was because she didn't insist on it, so my dad used my marriage To make a profit. "

"Actually, this is not her responsibility. At first, I never considered marriage to be a necessity. I needed to get married, and I would marry. As for who I am, I don't care. Even the divorce later, to be honest with me, whether it is mood or life , Have no effect. In fact, I was indeed responsible for that marriage, because I didn't care and made the other person sad. "

Therefore, after divorce, Xia Yixin cried everywhere and complained about her neglect in her marriage, even if it was exaggerated, in an attempt to put all the responsibilities on Han Zhuo Ling.

He knew, but didn't say anything, let alone stop.

"Before, I really did n’t know how to love someone. I did n’t meet anyone who made me tempted, and I thought why love was something unreal." Han Zhuo Ling reached out and held Shi Xiaoya's hand. "Until Yu I didn't understand it until I got you. "

"Then I'm really lucky." Shi Xiaoya held him back.

It can be said that she met Han Zhuoling at the right time.

Earlier, he wouldn't look at her more in his marriage, he might not even have the chance to find that he liked her.

Earlier, he didn't know how to love someone.

Now is the right time.

"I'm very lucky." Han Zhuo Ling emphasized, pulling the topic back again, "It's a bit far away. Anyway, after my mother divorced herself, she should be separated from my dad. She won't allow him to use me anymore. My brother's marriage was used as a tool for profit, and he was not allowed to interfere in any of our affairs. So he had a big fight with my dad. "

"I can see that she really didn't want to go with my dad at the time, so I picked her up and lived with me. Usually my brother stayed with her at home most of the time." Han Zhuoring explained roughly Let's take a look.

He wants to marry Shi Xiaoya, and sooner or later he should let Shi Xiaoya know about his situation.

"I think your uncle was just now. Do you want to make peace with your aunt?" Shi Xiaoya asked.

Han Zhuo Ling smiled. "The men in the Han family, even if they are **** in some way, are loyal to their marriage, including my dad. This time, he just wanted to be reconciled and couldn't pull his face. My mother is not the same as before She used to let her. But after so many years, she has been disappointed, and she would n’t give him half face. If my dad really wants to be reconciled with my mother, just take this attitude today, so do n’t expect it. ”

Shi Xiaoya pouted and laughed, "I seem to have caught an important point."

Han Zhuo Ling raised an eyebrow and asked her silently.

Shi Xiaoya couldn't help the thief grinning, and Han Zhuo Ling squeezed her hand. "Come on."

Shi Xiaoya then said: "You said that the men of the Han family, no matter whether they are **** in some other way, but they are loyal to marriage. This includes you!"

The remaining two are between 1:30 and 2 o'clock, and they are up together ~

(End of this chapter)

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