The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1836: Embarrassed

Chapter 1836: Dilemma

Many people have a good impression of Lu Man, who feels that the little girl is motivated and polite.

"Uncle Wu." Lu Man cried without seeing.

"You, the earliest one to come." Wu Shu said with a smile.

"I came to see it in advance, I am a newcomer and don't want everyone to wait for me." Lu Man said.

Lu Man is Han Zhuoli's wife and future head mother of the Han family.

Not many people don't know about this. Uncle Wu naturally knows it.

But I knew, but saw that Lu Man never felt complacent, or pretentious.

I still regard myself as a newcomer without asking for any privileges or relying on my status to stop working hard and plan to make money to become famous.

Therefore, Wu Shu really appreciates the little girl Lu Man.

He didn't see anyone around, so he beckoned to the road.

Lu Man came curiously, Wu Wu whispered, "Be careful. The Wu Jingli in your troupe, she has a lot of opinions about you. She is a veteran in the troupe, and she brought a few new people , Have their own small group. They also discussed before, how to let you out of difficulties, I do not know what they intend to do, but it should not be too much, anyway, there is Xu Daozhen, but you have to pay attention a bit."

Lu Man nodded, Wu Jingli didn't like her, she already knew.

"I see. Thank you, Uncle Wu." Lu Man said with a smile.

"It's okay, I can't help you, so I can only remind you." Wu Shu said.

"Thank you very much, otherwise I don't know anything yet." After saying goodbye to Wu Shu, Lu Man went to the stage and watched the script quietly under the stage. She thought about it several times these days Several performance interpretation methods.

After a while, someone came one after another.

The main character hasn't arrived yet. They will wait for a rehearsal before the show.

After all, it is the acting group in the film and television industry, and there is still a lot of work, and I cannot rehearse here every day.

Lu Man was carrying his lines and saw Wu Jingli walking in with a few young actors.

She was surrounded by three young actors around her. Although she was a bit less, she still tried to create an atmosphere of stars.

There are several actors in the group.

When others saw Lu Man, they all greeted, "Here it is so early."

"Come in early to feel the atmosphere. I think it will enter the state more quickly," Lu Man said.

"Now young actors, few are as dedicated as you are," said a senior actor in the same group.

The three young actors who followed Manager Wu didn't like to listen.

This is as if they are not dedicated.

It means that Lu Man came early, and they came late.

It's their chicken belly.

People sighed so casually.

There are more young and unprofessional actors in the industry, and they have to lean on themselves.

"Everyone is here!" Xu Jiashan came over with a smile.

"Guide Xu." Everyone shouted.

"This time we will take a closer look at the show separately, and then we won't string them up. One by one, we will first line up with the opponent actor." Xu Jiashan said.

Unfortunately, Lu Man's first game was against Wu Jingli.

Everyone was preparing to go. The three young actors beside Wu Jingli, one of whom was Sun Xiutong, whispered to Wu Jingli, "Ms. Wu, can she catch your play? You will have to give her a good insight, what is it?" Performance."

6 is more complete, don't forget today's monthly pass, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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