The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1839: No newcomer looks

Chapter 1839: No Newcomer Look

Wu Jingli was a little shocked, watching Lu Man for a while, speechless.

After Lu Man said this, she actually felt that Lu Man had a better understanding of this role than she did.

If she acted as she said, she might not go wrong.

But acting as Lu Man said, it was impressive.

Of course, this is only theoretical.

The important thing is whether Lu Man has the ability to control such a deduction.

If Lu Man's acting can't be held, he can only act as a disaster in the end, destroying Man Yun as a good character.

Therefore, it would be better to act safely as she said.

"Why are you like this? Teacher Wu is kind to you and you don't listen, so you feel right." Sun Xiutong said displeasedly, "How many years have you played the teacher, how many have you performed? Say yourself You are a newcomer, but Teacher Wu instructs you, but you refuse to listen. What you do, there is no newcomer! "

"Yeah, according to you, Teacher Wu has played for so many years, is it not as good as you as a student? You go halfway, what do you know!" Xu Yuting also said.

"Each person has a different understanding and interpretation of the role. Teacher Wu has her own understanding, and she performs better according to her own understanding. But I have my own understanding, and even the director directs the act, it is only for the actors. I made some adjustments to some details and controlled them in a large direction, but I wo n’t tell you by hand, you should act like this, you should n’t act like that. If so, everyone ’s roles are carved out in the same way. Come on, "Lu Man said.

"I'm not disrespecting Teacher Wu. Teacher Wu can, can show it, I can't, I can't do it. If acting in my way is not appropriate, then you can change it again, you can't help but try it. I just listen to what others say, I have no understanding at all, and I will never be a good actor. "

"You can really say it," Gao Sheng said satirically. "You don't have to go to school as you say. I see what your school teacher teaches, and you won't listen."

"The teachers in our school never tell me how they should not act. They will let us play freely, point out the shortcomings, and let us figure out how to change, instead of telling them why. The answer. "Lu Man said coldly.

People are kind to her, and she is naturally kind.

But she made it clear that she was in trouble, and she wouldn't just let it go.

Wu Jingli was uncomfortable because Lu Man was better than she understood.

Man Yun's role was what she wanted. She was robbed by Lu Man and didn't say it. However, she found that even with the understanding of the role, she seemed to lose to Lu Man as a newcomer.

It has nothing to do with each other's background.

Here, they are all actors, only seniors and newcomers.

But even this, Lu Man won.

However, as a senior, she has many years of performance experience. When Lu Man faced her, she was not conceited at all, and did not listen to her.

Wu Jingli was very upset.

Lu Man feels that she is inferior to her!

At this time, the staff came over, "How are you all preparing, teachers? You can start, Xu Dao is waiting outside."

"We can start." Wu Jingli said.

I was about to step on the stage and hurriedly warned Lu Man, "What you said is good, and you can understand the role, but it depends on whether you have the ability to interpret it well. If you don't control it well, you will only ruin Man Cloud is a good role. People need to be self-aware of their abilities, don't look down on the master, and challenge something you can't do. "

(End of this chapter)

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