Reference 1857

"You blame it on me right now?" Xia Qingyang said sharply, "Why are you on the road, you know yourself. Lu Man doesn't recognize you, it's your trouble that you care about!

She is always on the road, but if Lu Qiyuan really hurts her daughter, she says nothing!

Now Lu Man is terrible, Lu Qiyuan wants to use his father and daughter's identity to touch the light, Lu Man ignores him, and even Han Zhuoli repairs him secretly.

These are all made by himself!

"This day, if you still think about it, just be honest. If you don't want to live well, divorce!" Lu Qiyuan said fiercely.

Xia Qingyang became more and more suspicious, aggressive and horrible, and his temper did not converge day by day.

He usually has enough pressure to solve the company's affairs, and no one has treated him gently.

What's more, because of the financial statements, some doubts in his mind fell on Xia Qingyang's head.

He has always held the company firmly in his hands.

Even if the company's performance is not good at first, he can still know what he can do, and how he can maintain the company. He probably knows the profit and loss.

By no means are the results to be found in reports.

The only time he didn't really grasp the company was during his stroke and hospitalization.

After being discharged from the hospital, he rested at home for a long time.

During that time, the company was out of his control.

When he went back, he always felt that something was wrong.

Until today.

How could Lu Qiyuan not doubt Xia Qingyang?

He even suspected Lu Qi.

Xia Qingyang and Lu Qi have always been together.

During his illness and hospitalization, the only thing they could do in the company was their mother and daughter.

But Lu Qiyuan knows that they may have that courage, but they may not have that brain, there must be more professional people helping them.

As for who he is, Lu Qiyuan also has speculation.

Even if they are looking for, they need to be close and trustworthy, and they still have it in their minds.

Recently, Lu Qi's relationship with He Zhengbai seems to be a little better than before.

Lu Qiyuan had to doubt He Zhengbai's head.

Even the He family behind him!

After all, He Zhengbai learned to be a director, and it is impossible for you to let him play business.

Some things ca n’t really be considered, otherwise the more you think about it, the more scary it becomes.

Lu Qiyuan hopes he is suspicious.

But he knew in his heart that this was certainly not his suspicion.

It is hoped that there are problems within the company, not Xia Qingyang and Lu Qi, two of his closest relatives, who will work with outsiders to calculate him.

"Do you still want to divorce me?" Xia Qingyang broke out directly. "Impossible! Lu Qiyuan, to be honest, is there a third person outside you!"

Lu Qiyuan sneered, and said, "You are the primary three, you are still afraid of having primary three outside me?"

Xia Qingyang's face suddenly turned white, and never expected that Lu Qiyuan would say so!

"For so many years, you even said that to me." Xia Qingyang nodded, "Do you still remember Xia Qingwei in your heart? Do you regret it?"

"You are simply unreasonable!" Lu Qi's vitality exploded. "First pull some unwanted women and then Xia Qingwei. Why don't you reflect on your own behavior? Dare to be gentle before you are pretending, now Spread it with me every day? "

The fourth is at 12: 30 ~

I know that writing this part will be unpleasant, but because I have to write, it is a bit tangled. After measuring a lot, it is slower to write and cannot be more breathy ~

(End of this chapter)

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