The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1859: Another home

Chapter 1859: Another Home

Xia Qingyang felt guilty for a while, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

Lu Qi didn't know, so she said, "Isn't you quite able to coax him before? Coaxing him is happy, coaxing him up and down, he can't even recognize this pro-daughter. You have coaxed most of your life, why Can't you stick to it now? "

Xia Qingyang pouted.

She pretends most of her life, and that's not her character at all.

Pretending to be for decades, uncomfortable death.

Seeing that the low position is stable now, let her be free.

She wants to be herself, but not so tired.

"Your dad is gone." Xia Qingyang said.

"What do you mean?" Lu Qi almost stammered. "Today is New Year's Eve! What's gone?"

"There was a quarrel. He didn't know where to go. I ... I stopped, too."

"You—" Lu Qi deliberately scared her. "You're not afraid of you doing this, really driving him into the arms of other women? Now the little girl outside for money can do everything, there is no bottom line!" "

Can Xia Qingyang not know?

She did the same when she was young, or how she is now Mrs. Lu.

"I--" But neither Xia Qingyang nor Lu Qi knew it, so Lu Qi said it casually, but it became a slang.

Lu Qiyuan drove to another villa.

Xia Qingyang didn't even know this property was secretly set up by himself.

Since Xia Qingyang began to hide her nature more and more, then she simply didn't bother to hide it, directly exposing her shrew's character.

Lu Qiyuan became more and more tired of her and did not want to stay at home.

Simply, I bought another villa just outside, often on the grounds of work, sometimes I do n’t go home and relax in another villa.

He walked in the door, all the decoration in the villa, as well as daily necessities, food, and even a maid.

It can be seen that Lu Qiyuan is really not here for a day or two, and he totally regards this as another home.

Because the holiday is today, the maid also intends to go home from work early for the holiday.

As a result, he was surprised to see Lu Qiyuan coming over.

"Sir is going to eat here today?" Lin Ling asked.

Lu Qiyuan nodded, "Is there anything in the house?"

"Yes, I'll do it for you now." Lin Yan said quickly.

Lu Qiyuan nodded, "Go back soon after you're done."

"Okay." Lin Yan hurried to the kitchen.

After about an hour, a table was set out.

The heart said that the rich are also poor, and the Chinese New Year will be alone.

Lin Biao thinks that there is less cooked food, it seems too deserted.

Anyway, Lu Qiyuan didn't care if he was rich, so Lin Ying made a table full of dishes.

The big New Year, although he is the only one, but anyway, he can respond to the situation.

Lin Ling left when he was done.

When Lu Qiyuan was alone, he pulled out a few bottles of whiskey from the wine cabinet and turned on the TV to make a sound at home. Then he ate while drinking.

Something sipped, and Lu Qiyuan sneered.

His two wives and two daughters ended up with his ex-wife and elder daughter treating him like an enemy.

The current wife and second daughter are trying to figure him out.

Just while he was sick, he was killed!

Lu Qiyuan was drinking and drinking, and Jiang Yujie's simple and gentle face appeared in his head. Then he picked up his mobile phone and dialed Jiang Yujie.

(End of this chapter)

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