The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1876: Not this attitude

Chapter 1876: This Isn't This Attitude

His parents looked like this, and he stood directly in front of Xia Qingwei, not letting her be wronged.

"As Mrs. Wang did, in less than a few days, Dad had to get them on the plane himself," Lu Man said.

Although she called Wang Juhuai her father, she did not really treat Wang Taihong and Lu Wenqing as grandparents.

Even if she didn't like it, why did she find Han Zhuo Liduo such an annoying in-laws?

Since Wang Juhuai's parents had such an attitude, it just happened to save them a lot of trouble.

"Mom, no matter what they say, you don't have to talk about it. Just smile at them, it's just to give Dad face. As for the other, you don't need to be angry with them, don't worry about me." Lu Man said, "That man Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang, I looked at them with cold eyes, they are particularly powerful people. Looking at their performance today, they should not know about me and Zhuoli. When they know, you look at it, this is not the attitude. "

Lu Man smiled, "Who hasn't had some great relatives yet. This is fine, as long as it doesn't affect your relationship with your dad."


Wang Tianhong and Lu Wenqing got on Wang Juhuai's car again. Lu Wenqing said dissatisfied: "We haven't even seen our grandson yet, so you are in a hurry to drive us away?"

"Mom, don't always think of others in bad faith. I just want you to rest and look at your grandson." Wang Juhuai said.

Lu Wenqing snorted, "Speaking of which, you are too good for that road. If she has the same name as yours, she will not change her name, but she will still stick to you. She mixes up For entertainment, do n’t use your relationship! ”

Wang Juhuai laughed, "Lu Man doesn't need to use my relationship."

Do n’t use it?

The two also listened, no one took it seriously.

Lu Wenqing said: "I know, because of Xia Qingwei's relationship, you are also good at Lu Man. But she is not your biological daughter, has no blood relationship, is separated by a layer. You really do n’t need to take her heart and lungs like that. She Even the surname is unwilling to change, and it is a white-eyed wolf with your light in vain. Then Xia Qingwei, how could he be so ignorant that Lu Man was allowed to do so? "

"I said, Lu Man doesn't need my resources." Wang Juhuai said, "Moreover, you also look at me too high. In the domestic entertainment industry, I don't have such a big influence. Although the popularity is there, but I don't have those connections. After all, I have been abroad all year round and have never been in contact with the domestic entertainment industry before. Their chains of interest are interconnected and mutually restrained. Who will sell me? "

Wang Taihong and Lu Wenqing glanced at each other and said nothing for the time being.

Arrive at the hotel and check them in.

"You take a good rest, I'll go first," Wang Juhuai said, and left.

Wang Taihong and Lu Wenqing were in the room and did not want to rest.

"Li Huai is too protecting Xia Qingwei's mother and daughter. Protecting Xia Qingwei, okay, that's his wife, protecting Lu Man as an outsider. What a dare we, in his heart, can't compare to one. Outsider? "Lu Wenqing said dissatisfied.

"Oh." Wang Taihong smiled disdainfully, "How complicated is the entertainment industry. According to the words, she had already been well-known before he and Xia Qing were married. Then there was no connection before, where did she come from? Resources? "

Lu Wenqing froze, "You mean--"

(End of this chapter)

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