The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1880: It really turned out to be a white-eyed wolf

Chapter 1880: Really A White-Eyed Wolf

Wang Taihong glanced at Han Zhuoli, turning his mind, he thought, they might as well stay together.

It ’s a lot better to get in touch with Han Zhuo Li, to get closer and closer.

Wang Juhuai just wanted to say that they don't leave anymore, and will live in the country.

As a result, Wang Juhuai said, "This time you come here, just to see if Qingwei and the children are okay. Now they are fine, you can rest assured. The Gugu family needs your care more there. , You go back tonight. "

"What do you mean?" Lu Wenqing said unwillingly. "We are so far away, took a plane for more than ten hours, only took a look at Yijun, and you drove us away?"

"It's not for the two to leave," Han Zhuoli said lightly. "It's just that there's really no time to look after the two. It's not that much for the two to stay here for a long time."

"Then we can buy a house to stay here," Lu Wenqing said without thinking, "this is not easy. Although the house in city B is expensive, it is nothing to us."

It doesn't even need them to spend money, isn't Wang Jui pregnant?

It's okay to buy a house for a little money?

Wang Juhuai sneered, "then you have to think about it. I won't pay a penny for the house. If you don't want to spend it yourself, then look at Wang Jugu who wouldn't buy it for you. In addition, you If I were to settle here, I would not give you the money I gave you every month in the past. "

"Why!" Lu Wenqing didn't hold back and was in a hurry.

But immediately realizing that Han Zhuoli was here, she did not dare to be too pretentious.

"Mr. Wang, Mrs. Wang." Lu Man said at this moment.

After changing the indifference before, Lu Wenqing shouted with a smile on his face, "Long, why bother to go outside, just call our grandparents."

Wang Juhuai laughed angrily.

"I can't afford it," Lu said faintly, "you still just call me Miss Lu."

Lu Wenqing was embarrassed, and Lu Man said, "I'm just afraid that there is something wrong with the two, so say it early. Dad, because he loves me, never has anything to do with the Han family in the interests, so he is afraid of something. Let Han My family's impression of me is not good. So is my mother. They are in-law relationships. They only get along with relatives, but they will not use the Han family to achieve their own goals, because they are afraid that I will have difficulty doing it. "

"I think the two of them should love the younger too." Lu Man asked with a smile.

"This ..." Lu Wenqing said with a smile, "Oh, loved ones, shouldn't they help each other. How can there be such an out-of-the-ordinary situation. If there is anything, could your mother-in-law's family not help."

"Help, we must help my father-in-law and mother-in-law." Han Zhuo Li said, "As for other people, it has nothing to do with Longman, naturally it is not in our eyes. It's like a long biological father, I even let him close to Longman There are no opportunities, let alone to help him. One is bad, I directly let his company go bankrupt. However, now his company is shaky-- "

Han Zhuo was reticent, but the meaning was clear.

It's not good for Lu Man, whoever he is, can still deal with it.

Her dad couldn't get a little light, let alone someone else.

Lu Wenqing said secretly in his heart, this road is indeed a white-eyed wolf!

Fortunately, I looked at the calendar in the computer ... 8 is more complete, rightfully begging for a wave of Gaga monthly tickets ~~

(End of this chapter)

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