The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1890: Word weight

Chapter 1890

Anyway, it is a public figure, and it is not a mobile self-propelled artillery. Everywhere you go, you ca n’t live like a lack of women.

Just to record a two-day program, can Zheng Xuexin not be so particular?

Who knows, he really is so indifferent!

Lu Dongliu and Chi Xingrui were irritating while running, who are these people!

One by one, you can't stop it!

In the third period, Jiang Yuhan was looking for something.

There was another Zheng Xuexin this time.

Moreover, it is not good to provoke anyone, but it has provoked Shi Xiaoya!

When the third episode was recorded, Han Zhuo Ling did not shy away from holding hands with Shi Xiaoya.

Besides, Shi Xiaoya didn't know. Han Zhuo Ling also contacted him in private and asked him to take care of Shi Xiaoya in the show group.

Han Zhuo Ling could not spend time with the show team, so he asked Lu Dongliu to take care of him.

Lu Dongliu also hurriedly asked, what is the relationship between Han Zhuoling and Shi Xiaoya.

No wonder he has to prove it again. He is just curious. Han Zhuoling was serious about Shi Xiaoya.

Although he felt that with Han Zhuo Ling's character and personality, he would not make fun of things.

Even Han family tutors will not allow their children to do so.

But Lu Dongliu still wanted to confirm it.

And Han Zhuo Ling did not let him down, and admitted directly, "Shi Xiaoya is my girlfriend, and I want to get married."

If it is only the first half of the sentence, it will not cause much impact on Lu Dongliu. After all, Lu Dongliu has long been prepared, just to verify it again.

But in the second half, Lu Dongliu was almost shocked to fall from his chair.

The second sentence is not solemn.

More and more the importance of Shi Xiaoya in Han Zhuoling's mind.

Otherwise, with Han Zhuo Ling's cautious character, how could he say such a thing.

This can go directly to marriage!

With Han Zhuoling's caution, he will not say until he is certain.

Once it is said, it will be done.

Lu Dongliu couldn't think of it, Han Zhuoling was officially with Shi Xiaoya for a long time.

I had already thought of getting married, and I spoke directly to him, an outsider.

How much does Han Zhuoling like Shi Xiaoya?

Just because Jiang Yuhan found the door of his guest room at the beginning, Han Zhuo Ling ignored him, which shows that Han Zhuo Ling is really not a casual person.

A woman can conquer him casually, and he won't be known as a workaholic.

It is because Han Zhuo Ling attaches so much importance to Shi Xiaoya that Lu Dongliu has attached 120,000 points.

Han Zhuo Ling said frankly that the words are heavy!

With Han Zhuoling, who dares to touch Shi Xiaoya!

If Shi Xiaoya was bullied in the show group, he could not explain to Han Zhuo Ling.

That Zheng Xuexin, Lu Dongliu knows his usual means, isn't he claiming that he can use resources to win the other party?

What a joke.

Don't look at it, just compare his resources to Han Zhuoling.

As long as Shi Xiaoya is willing, she can be like Lu Man.

If you have a little skill, you will blow.

Lu Dongliu finally arrived, and saw Zheng Xuexin entangled with Shi Xiaoya.

Lu Dongliu is really upset.

"Mr. Zheng!" Lu Dongliu yelled.

Zheng Xuexin saw him coming, but it seemed that he had a little convergence and let go of his hand, but he still looked indifferent.

Shi Xiaoya took the opportunity and quickly ran behind Lu Dongliu.

(End of this chapter)

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