The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1895: remind

Chapter 1895: Reminder

Zheng Xuexin asked, "What's wrong? If you have anything to say, just say it. In front of me, don't be so restrained."

Liu Enxiao said, "I'll tell you right now, Teacher Zheng, don't give me general knowledge."

"Oh? What's the matter? Very serious?" Zheng Xuexin said to Liu Enxiao, what could be serious?

"I noticed ... You seem to be watching Shi Xiaoya often, are you interested in her?" Liu Enxiao said.

Zheng Xuexin raised an eyebrow. Although his face was smiling, it was very cold.

Liu Enxiao said quickly: "You are single, and Shi Xiaoya is also single. It is normal for you to have a good opinion of a single girl."

Zheng Xuexin laughed, but Liu Enxiao was quite talkative.

In fact, he knows that there are probably not many people in the circle who don't know his true temperament.

It seems that Liu Enxiao is not ignorant.

Moreover, Liu Enxiao's eyes were not sincere and his ambitions were not small.

He has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and it still has some people's vision.

However, Liu Enxiao was a little bit clever.

He is directly described as a single man's normal appreciation of a single woman, which is pretty decent.

Zheng Xuexin's eyes were cold, and Liu Enxiao was relieved.

She said boldly, "But if you like Shi Xiaoya, I advise you to observe it for a while."

"What's wrong?" Zheng Xuexin asked curiously. "What's wrong with this poem Xiaoya?"

Liu Enxiao bowed her head and showed some ideological struggle, and then looked up later, "Mr. Zheng, because I am your fan, I especially like your play, and I also admire you. So I do n’t want to know that, But I wo n’t tell you, I ’m watching you suffer. ”

Zheng Xuexin was already impatient, but still hesitated and said patiently on the surface, "You say, it doesn't matter."

"Actually ... Shi Xiaoya seems to have a little relationship with Ling Shao." Liu Enxiao said.

"Ling Shao?"

"It's Han Zhuo Ling." Liu Enxiao said, "I have seen it several times. She took the initiative to approach Ling Shao, and she didn't know what method she used. Ling Shao didn't seem to have scolded her. It seems that I don't know if it is with Ling less……"

Liu Enxiao stopped talking, but Zheng Xuexin understood.

"Because Ling Shao came to the show before, this is what I saw with my own eyes. Many people in our show group saw it." Liu Enxiao said, "I was also surprised when I saw it. I always thought that Shi Xiao Ya is a very pure and self-loving person, but she did not expect that she was not self-love before, and probably just thought that the status of those people was not high enough. "

Zheng Xuexin sneered, of course he wouldn't believe Liu Enxiao just like that.

But Liu Enxiao dared to ask him to verify with other staff members, which shows that she has such confidence.

It can be seen that at least 80% of her words are true.

"I see." Zheng Xuexin nodded. "Thank you for reminding me."

This Liu Enxiao must be in contradiction with Shi Xiaoya.

So he was right to see people before, Liu Enxiao was not a bad stubble.

It's just that this effort is awkward in front of him.

Zheng Xuexin naturally has a way to find someone to verify, but he can't go to the staff to ask for himself, which is too eye-catching.

He is lascivious. Although everyone in the circle knows it, everyone doesn't say that he must at least maintain his image.

There are three more changes, more up at 2 ~

(End of this chapter)

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