The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1897: Lead away

Chapter 1897: Away

After Liu Enxiao issued a red envelope, in order to rectify the poem Xiaoya, in this lap, Liu Enxiao has spent a lot of money, accounting for most of the salary.

For her, it was a major bleeding.

In order to tidy Xiaoya, Liu Enxiao really made great efforts.

I don't know what the grudge is.

Liu Enxiao looked at WeChat, his eyes flickered, and said, "Let's go out for some supper. Call them Ludao. The seafood and beer in T City are very famous. It's a rare trip, so let's try it. "

The same room with Liu Enxiao happened to have a good relationship with Shi Xiaoya, Yu Zhenzhen.

Upon hearing this, Yu Zhenzhen thought that this proposal was very good, and immediately shouted at the work group.

Lu Dongliu said: "Everyone has been working hard. I'll go out for a supper together tonight. I'll treat you."

"Wow! Lu Dao is great!"

"Thank Lu Dao!"

Everyone came out to thank.

"Let's call them Xiaoya, too." Yu Zhenzhen told Liu Enxiao.

Shi Xiaoya is a signed makeup artist of the show group, but is not directly under the show group.

It's like a guest artist signing a contract to record a show.

So Shi Xiaoya, they are not in the working group of the show group.

Liu Enxiao said: "Then I will be responsible for notifying Xiaoya of their makeup artists."

Yu Zhenzhen thought that as a makeup artist, Liu Enxiao did look more familiar with Shi Xiaoya, so she said, "Okay."

After a while, Liu Enxiao said: "Shi Feng and they have already started eating outside, Qiao Xian said that she wants to lose weight and can't eat supper. Xiaoya said that she was a bit tired today and she would not go out.

Of course, Liu Enxiao didn't notify those people, but just pretended.

But all of what she said is reasonable.

Moreover, Shi Xiaoya didn't go, Yu Zhenzhen thought that it was probably because of Zheng Xuexin's current situation that made Shi Xiaoya's spirit not very good.

He did not force her.

Liu Enxiao sneered in her heart, and did not leave Shi Xiaoya, how could it be convenient for Zheng Xuexin to find her in the past?

Zheng Xuexin also saw through Liu Enxiao's hostility to Shi Xiaoya, so she just sent her a WeChat message and asked her if she could get the show crew away.

At that time, Shi Xiaoya could not find Lu Dongliu for help.

Even if Lu Dongliu was intent on trying to save, distant water could not save the near fire.

Besides, that poem Xiaoya is just doing something.

If she could go to Han Zhuo Ling, she would not be a chastitious woman. If she refused several times, she would be honest and obedient.

It's just a pity that it loses the taste of the morning.

At that time, he thought that Shi Xiaoya was an unsuccessful and self-loving girl.

Then he can enjoy the process of chasing and conquering.

But now it seems that Shi Xiaoya is not self-love, she is picking, who can bring her greater benefits.

And he is obviously the one that Shi Xiaoya despises.

Walking in the corridor, Zheng Xuexin couldn't let go of his sneer.

But Shi Xiaoya didn't want to think about it. Han Zhuo Ling could see her?

Originally, he could provide Shi Xiaoya with many opportunities.

But now, even this opportunity is gone.

Didn't Shi Xiaoya look down on him?

Look down on the conditions he gave, then nothing!

Let both sides of Shi Xiaoya fail!

At this time, Zheng Xuexin received a message from Liu Enxiao.

"Mr. Zheng, our entire program group went to have a supper with Lu Dao. Lu Da invited guests." Liu Enxiao said, followed by a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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