The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1906: Not required in 1955

Chapter 1906 1955 Not Needed

Is it really okay for him to say his purpose directly without any concealment?

Anyway, cover it up.

Han Zhuoling couldn't help but hook the corner of his mouth, and the slight smile made the curvature of his mouth so beautiful.

After entering the elevator, Han Zhuo Ling took Shi Xiaoya's hand. "My purpose is pure and I don't need to cover it up. I just wanted to be with you, cover it up, too false."

Anyway, she would eventually take her back to his room, she would have to know sooner or later.

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

This person, even frank, is so frank and righteous.

But Han Zhuoling's words, Shi Xiaoya listened, always felt that there was a deeper meaning in it.

Han Zhuoling came, it seemed that she could not run away.

The last step is always faced.

Although she knew that as long as she didn't want to, Han Zhuo Ling would not ask.

But the most important thing is, in fact ... she is willing.

The moment she saw Han Zhuo Ling tonight, she thought, to be with him completely without reservation.

She wants to belong to him, to belong to him completely.

When she was forced by Zheng Xuexin to not know what to do, he suddenly appeared.

At that moment, I really couldn't tell how moved and how dependent.

He is like a hero.

Also at that moment, she knew that she particularly wanted to be closer to him.

I want to give him all of myself.

Even this, she didn't feel enough.

But he couldn't think of anything else to give him.

The most she could give him was her own heart.

Regardless of whether Han Zhuo Ling has this idea or not, Shi Xiaoya is already psychologically prepared.

However, willingness is the same thing, but if you think about it, you will still be nervous.

Han Zhuoling was holding hands at this moment. After a while, her palms were sweating.

Shi Xiaoya was embarrassed and felt embarrassed that her palms were sweating like this.

She was earning and wanted to release her hand first.

Who knew that Han Zhuoling clenched tightly, and after calculating sweat, he refused to let go.

Shi Xiaoya whispered, "My palms are sweaty."

Her voice was small, and a little trembling with nervousness.

Han Zhuo Ling tilted his head and looked.

If this wasn't the case, Shi Xiaoya wasn't so nervous, she would probably have Han Zhuoling's head tilted.

But at this time, she still noticed where.

Han Zhuo Ling didn't know what was going on in this little girl's head, but she was so nervous.

Really ...

How can it be so cute.

Han Zhuo Ling still did not let go, but instead held her wrist and wiped it directly on her coat.

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Such a grounded action was really not expected to appear on Han Zhuo Ling's body.

After rubbing her hands, Han Zhuo Ling rubbed the sweat of her palm twice on her coat.

Then, she tangled her fingers tightly and held it again.

"Well, there is no sweat now." Han Zhuo Ling said.

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Shi Xiaoya lowered her head, and rubbed his thumb against the back of his thumb with the soft abdomen of his thumb, and couldn't help smirking. "Fortunately, you came in time. I was thinking of you at the time, but I didn't expect you to Appear before me. "

Shi Xiaoya raised his hand slightly, rubbing his finger back while watching.

This man, even his hands look so elegant.

Yes, elegant.

Good-looking and elegant.

"It's been two times already, when I was thinking of you, you appeared in front of me." Shi Xiaoya smiled sweetly.

It's like being able to summon.

Han Zhuoling smiled: "Although it's a coincidence, I'm also very fortunate that I can catch up when you need me most."

Shi Xiaoya's heart was "quickly, swiftly", jumping faster and faster.

She couldn't help but move her toes and heels a little bit, trying to get closer to Han Zhuo Ling.

Realizing her intentions, Han Zhuo Ling pulled directly into her arms.

This way, it is indeed closer than before.

So, Shi Xiaoya, who had just receded a little, was even more tense at this moment.

At this time, the elevator arrived with a "dang".

The door opened and Han Zhuo Ling took Shi Xiaoya out.

He had checked in at the front desk before taking the room card, but he had not had time to return to the room.

This is also the first time here, follow the instructions, find the room, open the door and enter.

Han Zhuoling put her luggage aside and pulled Shi Xiaoya into her arms.

Shi Xiaoya took off her hand and loosened the suitcase.

His hands were tense against his chest.

Han Zhuoling circled her waist. "I said just now that I came here because I missed you. You haven't returned to me."

"What?" Shi Xiaoya didn't understand.

"You haven't given me back, do you want me?" Han Zhuo Ling said.

"I didn't tell you just now in the elevator?" Shi Xiaoya said, why he forgot so quickly.

Han Zhuoling chuckled, "It doesn't count to think of me when I'm in danger. Do you miss me?"

Shi Xiaoya pursed her lips and smiled, and her soft fingertips poked on his chest, "Of course I think! Do you even need to ask this question?"

She poked it, just right, and poked at his heart.

When Han Zhuo Ling was touched by her, she couldn't help speeding up her heartbeat.

He clasped her directly in his arms and hugged them tightly, leaving almost no gap.

Shi Xiaoya felt at ease at this time.

In danger, when she was about to despair, he suddenly appeared like a god.

At that moment, her feeling could not even be described in words.

The excitement, feeling in my heart, and the moment of seeing him, the immediate peace of mind could not be expressed.

All these things ended up in tears.

Want to cry.

She held back, not wanting to worry Han Zhuo Ling, but still could not stop the sourness in her eyes and the sourness in her throat.

But this is not weakness.

All the joy born of him.

Shi Xiaoya held Han Zhuo Ling's hand and said she didn't want to loosen anything.

He looked at his hands and felt relieved.

I just want to hold his hand like this forever and never separate.

The eyes were sour, but the corner of his mouth could not help but smile.

(End of this chapter)

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