The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1924: Are you brother or sister?

Chapter 1924 Are You Brother And Sister?

It can be seen that this is for Shi Xiaoya.

As a result, everyone understood after seeing it.

So congratulations.

Han Zhuo Ling held Shi Xiaoya in her arms while looking at her mobile phone.

In this way, Shi Xiaoya can also watch with him without any effort.

Seeing so many people, Shi Xiaoya congratulated Han Zhuo Ling in WeChat.

Then, she watched Han Zhuoling pull her into the group of eight or sixty-four.

In the group, they all use their real names for easy identification.

Shi Xiaoya watched the names of these big brothers, and swiped across the screen very quickly.

Qi Chenglin: "Is Xiaoya?"

Wei Zilin: "Welcome welcome, our group has grown again."

Lu Man: "Welcome to Grandma!"

Yan Beicheng: "Already called Dasao? Welcome brother and sister."

Wei Zhiqian: "Welcome brother and sister."

Han Zhuoli: "Wei Zhiqian is younger than my brother. What's the advantage? Welcome, sir."

Nan Jingheng: "That is to say, even if regardless of age, it would have been said. The first to take off is the big one. Xiao Qianzi, no matter how you count, you are all young. Welcome brothers and sisters."

Wei Zhiqian: "Junior your sister, you child, you are not big or young! Is your brother or sister your name?"

Chu Zhaoyang: "Welcome brother and sister."

Wei Ziqi: "Is your brother or sister your name? Welcome brother and sister."

Shi Xiaoya froze for a moment, and suddenly became the siblings of so many people.

Han Zhuo Ling seems to have been taken advantage of.

Han Zhuo Ling: "A bunch of guns."

Qi Chengzhi: "We are calling you young, you should thank us, otherwise how big is the gap between you and your siblings?"

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

He didn't think there was anything wrong with his age.

At the time of his fight, he still felt young.

As a result, since he knew Shi Xiaoya, before he was together, he began to abandon his age.

Every time I see Shi Xiaoya, she feels particularly energetic, and she is full of youth from the inside out.

He thought, if only he were a few years younger.

As a result, Qi Cheng was heartbroken.

Because there were few people in the group, Shi Xiaoya was invited to come in, and she didn't need her permission to go directly to the group.

Therefore, in fact, her mobile phone has never been with her.

Shi Xiaoya touched and wanted to touch her phone.

Han Zhuoling hugged her to keep her from moving. "What is it?"

Let her toss, and he couldn't help it.

"I'll get my cellphone." Shi Xiaoya said, "You pull me in the group, I have to say hello. Otherwise people think I'm rude."

Han Zhuo Ling circled her, grinning at the corners of her mouth, and a gleam of fine light in her eyes.

Then she stuffed her cell phone into her hand, "It's the same with mine."

"Okay." Shi Xiaoya didn't think much about it.

There is no doubt about him. When he took Han Zhuo Ling's mobile phone, he typed: "Hello everyone, I'm Shi Xiaoya."

Then he followed, and sent another sentence, "I don't think he is much older than me, he is just right."

Shi Xiaoya was lowering her head for serious input. She didn't see Han Zhuoling's gentleness in her eyes when she saw these two sentences.

Not at all self-sustaining.

This little girl said to say hello to everyone, but in fact, it was to help him talk.

Han Zhuo Ling never thought that one day, he would be maintained by such a little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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