The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1927: Ok girlfriend

Chapter 1927 Okay, Girlfriend

"When I first watched the show, some people said that Shi Xiaoya posted it backwards. What happened? The program aired Han Zhuoling to hug Shi Xiaoya, fearing that she would be afraid to keep her. Some of these fans pretended to be invisible. At the end of the show, the eggs are so obvious, some people are still biting on the hype. Now Han Zhuo Ling has spoken in person, and still do n’t believe it, so what can you believe? Do you believe what you think? ”

"Hahahaha, some fans, previously said that Shi Xiaoya posted backwards, but Han Zhuo Ling took the initiative to hug Shi Xiaoya, and slammed a face. Now it is a hype, Han Zhuo ling came out to open a romantic relationship again, slap slap again "Han Zhuo Ling is so bad. I have been rubbing my face and waiting for my face."

Han Zhuo Ling saw Shi Xiaoya didn't respond for a long time, in fact, Shi Xiaoya had been stuck for a long time.

When I saw Han Zhuoling's word-by-word input, and finally composed the sentence, I saw him click and send.

Shi Xiaoya also felt like dreaming.

Although she was sitting, she still felt her hair drifting.

"Wake up, why did you stay here?" Han Zhuo Ling shook her amusedly twice.

Shi Xiaoya finally returned to God, and she couldn't control her smile, "How do you--"

"Is it hard to think of?" Han Zhuoring laughed.

Shi Xiaoya shook her head and nodded again, "I think you will definitely be public, but when you really see it, you will still be very happy. I think ... your boyfriend's power is banging, so high!"

Han Zhuoling laughed at her description.

The feeling of finding a little girlfriend is probably to hear her say new words at any time and make herself laugh.

"So, I've made it public. Do you want to say something?" Han Zhuo Ling said, passing her cell phone to her.

When he got it, she didn't know.

Shi Xiaoya first looked at the comment under Han Zhuo Ling's Weibo.

Attracted by one of them.

"No wonder Han Zhuoling paid attention to Shi Xiaoya before and gave her a thumbs up. At that time, Han Zhuoling had already begun to pay attention to Shi Xiaoya. 666!"

When Shi Xiaoya was watching, Han Zhuoling naturally followed.

Can not help but a black face.

"What's my idea of ​​hitting you? I'm totally right and a gentleman's pursuit." Han Zhuo Ling corrected.

Shi Xiaoya did not make fun of him on this matter, and also posted a Weibo, learning Han Zhuo Ling's sentence: "Hello everyone, I am Han Zhuo Ling's girlfriend, please give us a lot of advice. @ 韩卓凌."

"Shi Xiaoya also came out and responded!"

"It's a real thing. The duck-mouthed unbelievers were dead before. Just rest."

"Why isn't Shi Xiaoya bad? Even without Shi Xiaoya, it won't be your turn. Wake up, how old are you in dreaming about fairy tales."

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the CP of the overbearing president and the makeup artist. These two feelings are the relationship between eight poles."

Who knows, Han Zhuo Ling is not content with just sending the news just now.

Immediately after, reposted Shi Xiaoya's Weibo, "Okay, girlfriend."

Shi Xiaoya shook her hand and said that the operation was too sweet!

Very foul!

Not only Shi Xiaoya, but netizens are also sweetened by Han Zhuo Ling!

"I went, the netizens said before, it ’s reasonable that Han Zhuoling must have been thinking about poetry Xiaoya. It was followed by Weibo, and he liked it. It was a bit cute to think of his silent attention to likes. what's going on."

(End of this chapter)

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