The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1935: Du Te Mo blindly transmitted

Chapter 1935: What Are You Doing?

Liu Enxiao secretly went to see Zheng Xuexin again. Zheng Xuexin didn't see her. He was chatting with others and talking with a smile, as if nothing had really happened.

Liu Enxiao exhaled, "I hope so."

Han Zhuo Ling originally wanted to see Shi Xiaoya's makeup, but learned that Shi Xiaoya's makeup was for Lan Jiexin.

So Han Zhuo Ling didn't follow.

After all, he is a female artist.

Besides, Shi Xiaoya applied makeup to a woman, and he didn't have any good supervision, so he randomly found a place and waited.

Here, Liu Enxiao walked up and down to Zheng Xuexin's dressing room.

Upon entering the door, Zheng Xuexin was already waiting there.

His assistant was beside him, and he packed his cell phone and watch for him. When recording the program for a while, these could not be held.

And Zheng Xuexin was talking to the agent on the phone, but as soon as Liu Enxiao went in, Zheng Xuexin said to the phone, "I have something to do here. Hang up first, go back and talk about it."

He was going to talk to the agent and offended Han Zhuo Ling.

Moreover, this is not an offense in general.

Liu Enxiao was pitted, which offended Han Zhuo Ling.

Zheng Xuexin's worst plan was that Han Zhuo Ling refused to let him go.

But even if Han Zhuo Ling spared him this time, he had the idea of ​​Shi Xiaoya, Han Zhuo Ling would not let him make any great progress.

It took him more than thirty years to become famous, and it hasn't been many years since he became famous.

And now the popularity is far worse than when it was just before the fire.

If Han Zhuo Ling is to be suppressed, then he really has nothing to do.

Pretend to be at the restaurant for breakfast this morning as if nothing had happened.

I saw that all the staff in the program group were discussing Han Zhuoling and Shi Xiaoya.

Because the staff went to supper last night, except for Shi Feng and a few of them, no one knew what Zheng Xuexin did last night.

Therefore, everyone treats Zheng Xuexin as usual.

Zheng Xuexin naturally knew from their chats that the affairs of Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya were no secret.

They have known for a long time that they are waiting for Han Zhuo Ling to make public.

Therefore, only he was tricked.

"Mr. Zheng." Liu Enxiao exclaimed nervously.

Zheng Xuexin did not answer.

Liu Enxiao's heart went up and down, I don't know what the situation was.

After entering, I finally saw the assistant's face.

Liu Enxiao made a mistake.

Because the assistant had his right face facing the door when he came in, it was no different.

But now the assistant turned his face, and Liu Enxiao suddenly saw the palm print on his left face.

The seal is so deep that even a small piece is cracked at the corners of his mouth.

Liu Enxiao was taken aback.

The assistant glanced at her coldly, and went over to close the door, just inside the house and guarding at the door.

The assistant also hated Liu Enxiao.

Zheng Xuexin threw a slap, and he felt ashamed.

But to say hate, that's definitely Liu Enxiao.

If it wasn't for Liu Enxiao's deceiving Zheng Xuexin and beating him, Zheng Xuexin would not let him investigate Shi Xiaoya and Han Zhuoling.

He also did not dare to find the core staff in order to maintain Zheng Xuexin's face.

That's why I listened to those outside staff.

But in fact, those people know a fart!

What a special pass!

Therefore, he passed the wrong message to Zheng Xuexin. If Zheng Xuexin had suffered such a big loss, he might even have to bury his career.

6 is more complete, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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