The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1942: Right up

Chapter 1942: The Number

Open the picture, it says, "I'll say Zheng Xuexin's material. Zheng Xuexin is definitely not a gentleman like us. All said that he brought new people, but in fact, they were exchanged conditionally. Women are all When he has been there, the man will also find a way to give him the woman he likes. Zheng Xuexin is very lascivious, and the degree of lasciviousness has reached a level of psychological abnormality. "

"In the beginning, I had a double-headed socket. But in fact, he was straight. Because of this, when he got out of his head, he kept looking for women. There are a lot of intimidating things that you can't think of. Zheng Xuexin didn't do it. No. "

The netizen said: "Obviously, this is the right thing to do."

As for these, Lu Man naturally arranged it.

Zheng Xuexin wanted to strike, and Liu Enxiao naturally couldn't let her run away.

Regardless, this time Zheng Xuexin and Liu Enxiao are finished.

Entertainment draw a circle: "Zheng Xuexin is going to record the fifth episode of" Survivor. "According to the time of the incident, it should have been recorded the previous episode just the day before. The next episode should be recorded on the day of the incident. But Zheng Xuexin had an accident and entered the police station. He must not continue recording. Coupled with the exposure of this incident, no matter whether Zheng Xuexin will have an incident in the end, it is impossible to ask him to record again. The program team also needs to consider the issue of positive image. The biggest It may be that all the footage of Zheng Xuexin from the episode are cut off. We have to wait and see for the decision of the show crew. "

Although Zheng Xuexin had an accident, it had a certain impact on the recording of the program.

However, in Lu Dongliu's opinion, this matter still has more advantages than disadvantages.

Zheng Xuexin was missing, but they took the opportunity to make their show more popular.

This scandal was not caused by the program group, and their program was also the victim. Therefore, the more they talked about, the more it was a propaganda for them.

Lu Dongliu couldn't be more satisfied.

This is really thanks to Lu Man.

When dealing with Zheng Xuexin's affairs, Lu Man did not forget that he also had the task of promoting "Survivor".

So, by the way.


On the show group side, because there is one person missing, some links will have to be changed.

Therefore, it is earlier than the expected end of the recording.

In addition, the city of T is close to the city of B. If you fly, it will take an hour and a half.

Shi Xiaoya took care of Han Zhuo Ling to work, so after recording the program, more than 5 pm that day, she returned to City B with Han Zhuo Ling.

When they got off the plane, they went directly to Shi Xiaoya's house.

Downstairs to Shi Xiaoya's house, as soon as she entered the building, Shi Xiaoya saw someone moving up with a cardboard box.

Just then, the neighbor downstairs from Shi Xiaoya's house came out of the elevator and carried his luggage.

"Xiaoya." The neighbor screamed with a smile.

"Mister Mu, you're going on a business trip." Shi Xiaoya greeted with a smile.

"Yeah." Sister Mu said with a smile, "I'm going on a business trip."

Most of the people who live here have a successful career.

Mu has been married for many years and has a daughter who is in junior high school.

Mu's husband is a university professor and she is one of the founders of a company.

So usually, she is relatively busy, always running outside, her husband has more stable work time, so she takes care of her child's life and schoolwork at home.

The relationship between the couple is stable and loving. Although the male lead is inside and the female lead is outside, they are also extremely harmonious.

(End of this chapter)

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