The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1950: Learn from those

Chapter 1950: Learn From Those

Shi Xiaoya hurriedly stopped him. "The call that came so late is probably very important."

Anyway, as long as Shi Xiaoya advises, Han Zhuo Ling will listen.

So, he still picked up the phone.

Look, Lin Liye's phone.

Really thinking there was something urgent, Han Zhuo Ling didn't avoid Shi Xiaoya, so she answered the phone.

"Mom." Han Zhuo Ling called.

"Zhuo Ling, are you back tonight?" Lin Liye asked round and round.

Han Zhuo Ling bought Shi Xiaoya's house, Lin Liye knew.

Because Lin Liye was showing him the house and asked Han Zhuo Ling's opinion, Han Zhuo Ling said yes.

Also talked about buying upstairs and downstairs with Shi Xiaoya.

But this house is temporary

Han Zhuo Ling still hopes that the residence where he and Shi Xiaoya got married will look like they have been renovated together.

Therefore, Lin Liye happily set that villa.

It was Lin Liye who did not let Han Zhuo Ling pay for it.

Said to be a new wedding gift to Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya.

This is not yet married, even without a certificate, Lin Liye has already prepared new wedding items.

And knowing that Han Zhuoling was going to come next to Shi Xiaoya, Lin Liye was concerned.

Thinking about whether Han Zhuo Ling succeeded.

She was also embarrassed to ask directly, so she just asked around.

If Han Zhuo Ling doesn't go back tonight, it means that he succeeded!

Where did Han Zhuoling not know what Lin Liye meant, he twitched his lips and said, "I live here in a new house."

Han Zhuo Ling was also afraid that Shi Xiaoya would be embarrassed, so she said so.

Shi Xiaoya did not hear Han Zhuoling's maze with Lin Liye.

I thought Lin Liye didn't know that Han Zhuo Ling's new house was upstairs.

Lin Liye quickly smiled and nodded, "Okay, don't bother you, rest early!"

"Um." Han Zhuo Ling controlled her mouth. "Mom, you should rest early."

Lin Liye said "OK" and hung up.

However, Lin Liye didn't know that because of her phone call, the original atmosphere was interrupted.

Han Zhuo Ling was also very depressed.

At this moment, although seeing Shi Xiaoya's face was a little red, she was obviously more relaxed.

"Auntie urges you to go home?" Shi Xiaoya asked with a smile.

It was as if Han Zhuo Ling had become a big child called by his mother to go home for dinner.

"..." Han Zhuo Ling saw Shi Xiaoya like this, and knew that she was using her imagination there again.

Does my heart say that young girls have so much imagination?

What if he is too old to keep up?

Go back and learn from those old cows who eat tender grass.

Han Zhuoling cried and laughed and pinched her nose, "It's naughty again!"

Shi Xiaoya smiled slyly, and then heard Han Zhuoling said, "My mother knows where I live."

Shi Xiaoya opened her eyes warily, so did my aunt know that Han Zhuoling actually came to her and lived with her?

Of course she knew that Han Zhuo Ling had planned to buy this house so early and had to get in touch with her family.

In fact, to live with her.

So, aunt also knows?

Shi Xiaoya was hit hard, this ... This is so embarrassing to her!

Han Zhuoling said to Shi Xiaoya, who was hit hard and sluggish, "I'll go to the bath first and wait for me to come back."

When Han Zhuo Ling left, Shi Xiaoya reacted, and he said something to her.

(End of this chapter)

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