The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1952: Just old

Chapter 1952: Right Age

However, Han Zhuoling still refused to let go of her hand.

Shi Xiaoya's mind is too powerful, what should I do?

She was a little scared.

Suddenly, hearing Zhuo Ling's hoarse chuckle sounded in his ear.

Shi Xiaoya blinked and heard Han Zhuo Ling said, "I'm not afraid."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

So, she just unknowingly said something to her heart?

Shi Xiaoya raised her eyelids and looked at Han Zhuoling secretly.

It was especially pleasant to see him laugh.

Isn't it?

This little girl just praised him for being great!

Without giving Shi Xiaoya a chance to think nervously, Han Zhuo Ling kissed her again.

Knowing that this was her first time, Han Zhuoling was also careful.

Han Zhuo Ling bowed her head and kissed her tears.

So gentle and careful, like treating a fragile treasure.

Both Ran and Shi Xiaoya have the illusion that they seem to be really vulnerable.

But he was so cherished, cared, and so cared.

He seemed to care about hurting her into the bone marrow, and also made Shi Xiaoya's eyes sore and wanted to cry.

I want to hug this big man again and give him all her warmth.

He has been good to him all his life and will not let him be harmed in any way.

While he was protecting her, she also wanted to protect him.

At the same time, Shi Xiaoya hated Xia Yixin who had the heart to hurt him.

That woman is really bad and stupid, and she will have the heart to hurt Han Zhuoling.

How nice he is.

She loved him so much that it hurt.

Now she was crying, but not because of the pain, but simply hurting him.

Can't wait to be nice to him, but don't know what to do, so anxious.

He wanted to fit himself into his bone marrow and never separated.

Shi Xiaoya gathered her courage and wrapped his neck around, "I'm fine."

This sentence is like a switch on his body.

Finally, Han Zhuo Ling hugged Shi Xiaoya contentedly, and sighed Changshu with a sigh of relief.

I kissed Shi Xiaoya's forehead with a thin sweat, and then said, "I said, I'm just the right age and physical strength."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

This man, I can still think of it at this time!

Does a man become so naive on this?

Anyway, she felt that Han Zhuo Ling was like a childish ghost at this time.

Like kindergarten children comparing each other, but the comparison is funny.

Shi Xiaoya wanted to hit him, but she had no energy at all.

Not to mention raising your hands, you have no strength to move your toes.

"Unexpectedly, you have such a naive time." Shi Xiaoya could not help but vomit.

"Childish?" Han Zhuo Ling raised an eyebrow, where was he naive?

"Yeah, like a child in a kindergarten. I even remembered a word that I had no intention of." Shi Xiaoya pursed her lips and couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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