The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1955: This feeling is also new to Han Zhuo Ling

Chapter 1955: This Feeling Is Fresh To Han Zhuo Ling

Shi Xiaoya thought, this is Lin Liye's intention.

No matter what, you can't put it there for nothing.

Besides, she trusted Lin Liye's intentions, and she also trusted Han Zhuoling's vision.

Since Lin Liye was about to use his hand as a gift, he must have carefully considered it and sincerely took it out.

Han Zhuo Ling was very satisfied, let alone let alone.

She trusted Lin Liye's intentions, as well as Han Zhuoling's vision.

Can not let Lin Liye so good intentions in vain.

Although Shi Xiaoya responded to Han Zhuoling in this way, in fact, she had made up her mind and would live in that house.

Moreover, it was originally bought here for her at home, so that she could work temporarily and live here.

Not intended to live a lifetime.

She and Han Zhuoling are now officially cohabiting, because this is always two houses, even if it opens tomorrow.

But both of them live here and cannot be renovated properly.

It can only be transformed according to the existing conditions and merged as much as possible.

But after all, it wasn't a home that the two had designed together from the beginning.

Therefore, you can live here temporarily, you really want to be a wedding room, but you have to plan the layout again.

Therefore, in Shi Xiaoya's opinion, it is better to go directly to the house sent by Lin Liye.

She and Han Zhuo Ling can redesign, and Lin Liye knows that they like it and will be happy as the person who gave the gift.

But now to Han Zhuo Ling, Shi Xiaoya for the time being said nothing.

Otherwise he would have to be teased.

Shi Xiaoya is not sleepy, she loves Han Zhuo Ling's voice.

The two chatted with each other.

This feeling is also new to Han Zhuo Ling.

For the first time, he found that in a quiet room like this, talk to his other half about these daily trivial chores, talk about his thoughts, and talk about his family.

This feeling was unexpectedly good, so warm, so that his heart calmed down.

In the end, it was Han Zhuo Ling who worried that Shi Xiaoya had a bad work spirit the next day, which ended the topic.

In fact, think about it, apart from the beginning, the two talked about the villa sent by Lin Liye.

Later, the topics we talked about were one-on-one, one-on-one, and no topic, in fact, they didn't make much sense.

I just do n’t know why, there are endless words.

Even if it's very nutritious.

Han Zhuoling thought about it, according to his character, he would not say it at all.

No nutrition, no meaning, a waste of time.

He would be ridiculous even when he heard others say.

But now, he said these words himself.

Moreover, he felt nothing bad.

Smiled and went to sleep.


The next day, Han Zhuo Ling woke up habitually.

I usually get up at five o'clock, then run for half an hour, and leave for the company at five thirty.

At this time, there are very few cars on the road and there is no traffic jam.

So under normal circumstances, you can enter the office at six.

Start eating simple sandwiches and drinking coffee to kick off your office day.

Before being with Shi Xiaoya, he was so in the morning, and then worked late at night.

But after staying with Shi Xiaoya, he was still the same in the morning, but he would finish work on time and at night in the evening.

Unless there is an unacceptable entertainment, they will not work overtime.

Previously, overtime was not because of entertainment.

Instead, it takes care of some extra work.

I found that there is not enough to save the explosion of the manuscript, so the four days at the end of this month, four changes every day, October 6 will resume the 6th change, and then the 2nd and the 3rd change the explosion, first relieve the pressure, or not enough The manuscript has been written. In the past four days, everyone is wronged by watching the four more. When the 2nd and 3rd explosions are over, starting from the 4th, you will make up for the updates that are owed in the four days.

So it ’s not going to be changed. I ’ll add it later, which means that I owe an update first, and I will fill it back after the explosion is over. Sorry ~

So today 4 is over, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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