The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1958: We call it love

Chapter 1958: We Are Called Love

Generally, this kind of thing that pays special attention to because of very small details, isn't it mostly the woman's only?

The boyfriend Metropolis thought it was not a big deal, but he didn't expect his girlfriend to care.

In the end, I can only apologize and help my girlfriend helplessly, saying that I must pay attention.

But when they were here, how did it feel that the roles were reversed?

She didn't mind many details, but Han Zhuo Ling was very concerned.

"No! I haven't been together before. How can I inquire about where you work? Everyone has to say behind my back that I'm delusional about you." Shi Xiaoya said.

Shi Xiaoya originally wanted to say that she was afraid that others would think she thought of him.

Although it is indeed a little bit, it is not out of control.

She wouldn't disagree with him.

But she could already think of what she would do if she said so.

Han Zhuo Ling would say, "Don't you think about me?"

Instead, she might as well put it another way.

Sure enough, I heard Han Zhuoling said, "Why are you delusional about me? I don't like you, you just think of me as delusional. But I like you, and we call it love."

Han Zhuo Ling paused and suddenly leaned closer to her.

Shi Xiaoya forgot that she could still move, and her back seemed to be stuck on the back of the chair, watching him move still.

"However, before we were together, you thought about it, and wanted to find out what floor my office is on?"

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

She doesn't, she's not, don't talk nonsense!

However, seeing Zhuo Ling's pair of black eyes at this time was full of expectant smiles.

After falling in love, his people collapsed.

In front of her, there was no cold look.

Shi Xiaoya liked to see him look so happy, so she did not deny, "So, which floor are you on?"

"It's on the 28th floor," said Han Zhuoling. "When you come, tell me, I'll let you pick you up in the early years."

Shi Xiaoya responded, "I'll go up then."

"Wait." Han Zhuo Ling held her again.

When Shi Xiaoya was puzzled, she saw Han Zhuoling point his lips, "Don't show expression?"

Shi Xiaoya's pouting smile was a little embarrassed, but in the eyes of Han Zhuo Ling, it was particularly sweet.

Shi Xiaoya leaned over and kissed his lips quickly, "I'll go then."

Han Zhuoling nodded with satisfaction, watching Shi Xiaoya leave, entered the company building, Han Zhuoling left.

However, neither of them noticed that a car had parked behind Han Zhuo Ling's car before.

Until Han Zhuo Ling drove away, the car did not leave.

In the car, Xia Yixin was sitting gloomily.

She came here to verify it. She had wanted to talk to Shi Xiaoya, but she did not expect to encounter Han Zhuoling.

It seems that Han Zhuo Ling really likes Shi Xiaoya, so she just went to the company now.

I don't know how many principles Han Zhuoling broke for Shi Xiaoya.

Unfortunately, Han Zhuo Ling's windows were dark in color, and Xia Yixin had no way of knowing what the two had done in the car just now.

However, Han Zhuo Ling's car stopped for a while.

The two of them were grinded inside.

What can two lovers do in the car alone?

Isn't it intimacy?

Can be lingering enough!

When Shi Xiaoya got out of the car, she still looked full of Han Chun. She didn't know how close she was to Han Zhuoling in the car.

(End of this chapter)

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