The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1961: Can this lady avoid it?

Chapter 1961: Can This Lady Avoid It?

"I want to make peace with Zhuo Ling, but I haven't acted yet, Zhuo Ling is with me." Shi Xiaoya said.

"She wants to reunite with Ling Shao? What a big face!" Guo Yujie was shocked and disdain. "Then why is she coming to you? Demonstration! What ex-wife is she?

Shi Xiaoya shook her head, "I don't know, anyway, she's coming over, I'll know in a while."

Shi Xiaoya didn't understand Xia Yixin's brain circuit.

In Shi Xiaoya's view, Xia Yixin is not a smart person, and probably not a normal person.

Fortunately, I encountered Han Zhuo Ling's treasure, but I didn't know to cherish it. I lost my good life.

It ’s gone, it ’s fine to live well.

Who knows and regrets it again, unwilling to reconcile with Han Zhuo Ling.

Of course, compounding is Shi Xiaoya's guess.

But she thinks that this is a matter of eight and nine.

If not for recombination, what did Xia Yixin come to her?

Is it to come and talk to her about Han Zhuo Ling?

If so, it's really a bit of a brain problem.

Shi Xiaoya was pondering, Xia Yixin had come over.

When the waiter saw this, he left first, and did not rush to clean up the table.

Xia Yixin showed self-confidence, and she was very imposing to look for the fox's actuarial account.

Guo Yujie looked aside, and they all felt that Xia Yixin was not afraid of having a pit in her head.

Your ex-wife, it's ridiculous to put on such a posture?

But after thinking about it, Guo Yujie was relieved.

Isn't there a pit in your head?

Can you play such a thin hand without a good hand?

There is no such good husband as Han Zhuoling who doesn't know to cherish.

At this time, Xia Yixin stood by Shi Xiaoya and Guo Yujie's table.

Xia Yixin didn't even look at Guo Yujie. Such a small person is not worth her looking at with open eyes.

"Miss Poetry." Xia Yixin stood high, looking pretentious.

Guo Yujie rolled his eyes hard, and his eyes were almost going to heaven.

Xia Yixin couldn't see anyway.

But even if she saw it, Guo Yujie would roll her eyes at her.

A neurosis!


Shi Xiaoya looked ignorant, "Sorry, take the liberty to ask, are you-?"

Guo Yujie almost didn't hold back and laughed.

Shi Xiaoya often puts on makeup with the crew, and really learned a lot of acting skills from the actors.

The difficulty level may not be able to play, and the whole scene can not be persisted.

But playing this twice, it really came.

Xia Yixin was really uncomfortable with Shi Xiaoya, her original self-confident face was suddenly distorted.

Shi Xiaoya can see that her original self-confidence is nothing more than superficial.

But it's stubborn.

Just Xia Yixin, what confidence do you take?

Xia Yixin glanced at Guo Yujie and said to Shi Xiaoya, "Miss Shi, I have something to say to you alone. Can this lady avoid it?"

Guo Yujie would like to say "no" to Xia Yixin.

But she still looked at Shi Xiaoya first, to see what Shi Xiaoya planned.

Shi Xiaoya actually didn't want to know what Xia Yixin was going to tell her, this woman had a pit in her head.

However, Xia Yixin can come once and she can come many times.

Shi Xiaoya felt that it was the one who sent her away.

They nodded to Guo Yujie.

Guo Yujie got up and said, "You call me if something happens, I'll wait outside the restaurant."

From today to 10.7, we will double the monthly pass. Please find the monthly pass at the end of the month ~

Good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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