The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1963: Who let go first

Chapter 1963 Who Lets Go First

"And as long as what he loves is me now. He loves me more than anything else and makes me feel extremely safe. Because I'm sure that as long as he loves me, it is tantamount to a wordless promise. He can Let me trust him with such peace of mind that he will not betray me even if he is not married. "

"So what happened in the past? It wasn't that he did something wrong." Shi Xiaoya said, "Since that is the case, why should I mind? He is so good that I don't mind anything in the past. Don't talk about it You are a little bit together. Who hasn't encountered the past of personal dregs, let alone marrying you, it is not his original intention. Why should I mind if there is a dispensable existence? "

Xia Yixin's face became increasingly ugly in Shi Xiaoya's words, and the whole process of changing her face was excellent.

Xia Yixin's chest fluctuated, she didn't know that Han Zhuo Ling's new one was so fierce!

Shi Xiaoya sneered, "Besides, you may think too high of yourself. If I really care, I probably care about someone who is so good, how can I be defiled by a disgusting woman like you. Others, What do I mind? It's too late for me to grab such a good man. "

Shi Xiaoya stood up directly and looked down at Xia Yixin, "Who let go first is silly. Forcing."

Xia Yixin was stood up by Shi Xiaoya's words, and pointed at Shi Xiaoya's nose, shaking with anger.

"In front of Han Zhuo Ling, you pretend to look pretty! Watching the show still looks like a little white rabbit. The human and animal costumes are harmless and disgusting. Now that Han Zhuo Ling is gone, you show your true colors." Xia Yixin exclaimed, "You're disgusting! What pretend!"

"My most disgusting thing is your white lotus female watch!"

Coincidentally, Xia Yixin had a cup of cold tea left by Guo Yujie just before her.

Xia Yixin reached out and wanted to pick it up.

Shi Xiaoya guarded her.

Seeing her movements, when she was busy hiding on her side, she just poured the hot tea into the pot next to her, opened the lid, and all splashed on Xia Yixin's face and body.

The tea was hot, but because there was some cold tea in the teapot before, the two were neutralized and still hot, but not enough to burn people.

At best, her skin was red, and she felt so painful that she could not touch it, and she was burnt in the hot place.

Shi Xiaoya pursed her lips, but she played with Qin Zigou since she was a child.

Qin Zigou's methods, but that's a lot harder.

She can't do it, but there are some tricks or two in school.

When she was so bullied, she dared to scream in front of any garbage.

In addition, Han Zhuo Ling was in front of her all the time, making her learn from the ears.

Regardless of the means or the momentum, although Shi Xiaoya is not high, she can't provoke it casually.

Since her childhood, her family and friends have laid the foundation for her, so she has always been full of confidence and has no fear at all.

Just one Xia Yixin, no matter what means she is really not afraid of.

And Xia Yixin, barked by this pot of tea.

Shi Xiaoya poured a whole pot of tea on her, and even the tea was not wasted.

Hanging Xia Yixin's hair, face, and body.

Xia Yixin now doesn't care about these teas or anything, and her face and back of her hands have been splashed with tea, which has become red.

(End of this chapter)

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