The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1971: Give him a bag of Han Zhuo Ling's exclusive dog food

Chapter 1971: Give Him A Bag Of Han Zhuo Ling Brand Exclusive Dog Food

As soon as Shi Xiaoya heard it, she quickly got up from Han Zhuoling's lap, lest I come in and watch it in the early years, it is not good-looking.

Han Zhuo Ling didn't stop this time.

After a while, when he came in early in the year, he handed over all the materials he had been sorting out to Han Zhuo Ling.

佟 After giving the materials in the early years, when I quit, I was thinking.

Ling Shao is trying to cheer Shi Xiaoya.

It must be the trouble of Xia Yixin's running to Shi Xiaoya, and Ling Shao knew he was not happy.

In order to help his girlfriend, is it okay for the company to be angry?

Han Zhuoling was studying the Xia family here, and Shi Xiaoya didn't bother him, and stayed quietly.

When it was time for the meeting, Shi Xiaoya went to the meeting first.

After the meeting, there was still more than an hour before it was time to get off work.

There is nothing more about Shi Xiaoya, and she is embarrassed to go back to interrupt Han Zhuoling's work, so she wants to go around Han Bang first.

Because of the nature of Hanbang's company, there are many Internet celebrities or young people who are confident in their appearance and body, including students from institutions such as Guodian and Guoxi.

Because Han Bang has many artists and many agents, sometimes he can even meet directors, producers, etc. These people come to Han Bang to talk about things.

What if you get lucky?

Therefore, the neighborhood where Han Bang is located seems to have become the most handsome and beautiful place in City B.

As long as you come here, you can meet handsome men and women in a few steps.

Many internet celebrities are also gathered around it.

From net red coffee shop, to net red book shop, to net red's own clothing and accessories shop.

So, it's easy to stroll around here.

Shi Xiaoya was walking outside the meeting room, and she heard the leader's cellphone ringing.

The other party picked up and heard the other party cry, "Ling Shao!"

When I heard it, it was Han Zhuoling, thinking that there might be business.

But Shi Xiaoya couldn't help but pierced her ears and listened attentively.

"Yes, after the meeting, just after the meeting," said the other party.

Afterwards, I heard the other party pause for a long time, no sound.

Shi Xiaoya couldn't help but secretly looked in the past and saw the other person finally said, "Okay, okay. Bye Ling Shao."

Seeing that the other party was finished, Shi Xiaoya quickly drew her gaze and pretended to leave without incident.

Who knew that the other party stopped her, "Xiaoya!"

Shi Xiaoya stopped and listened to the other party saying, "Ling Shao just called me and asked if I have finished the meeting. I said after the meeting, he asked you to return to the office sooner, don't just go outside."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

There is something even more nasty. The other side said arrogantly: "Ling Shao asked me to tell you. He doesn't think you disturb him at all. With you nearby, he is more efficient."

Damn it, Ling Shao's beloved routine is really unique.

Can't you call Shi Xiaoya directly on this kind of thing?

Have to call him into the outsider's cell phone, let him pass on.

Give him a bag of Han Zhuo Ling brand exclusive dog food to make him stingy?

Shi Xiaoya was so embarrassed, she was so embarrassed to see others, smiled awkwardly, "I see."

Having said that, he hurriedly ran down.

Wait for her to come back outside Han Zhuo Ling's office.

When I met at the beginning of the year, I said, "Miss Shi, you're finally back, Ling Shao has been waiting in the office. There are no people in it, just go straight in."

(End of this chapter)

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