The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1978: How can I look down on you?

Chapter 1978 How Qualified To Look Down On You

The restaurant is fearless.

Xia Yixin naturally refused to give up.

There is no monitoring record, but there are still witnesses.

"Where's your restaurant manager? He was there and saw the woman pouring me hot tea! Or ambulance he called for me!" Xia Yixin said.

The manager, who is temporarily acting, was temporarily transferred from another restaurant.

This restaurant is little known and has opened several branches in City B.

At this moment, the manager smiled professionally and said, "Sorry, the restaurant manager is on vacation."

"Have a vacation?" Xia Yixin looked skeptical. "Such a coincidence? I came to monitor the monitoring today. It turned out that the video that happened to be that I was poured hot tea was gone. I was looking for a witness, and your manager was on vacation!"

No longer could they see that they did not cooperate on purpose, she was so stupid!

"So, where did he go on vacation?" Xia Yixin asked, "He always comes back from vacation!"

"He's taking a long vacation. As for where I went, I don't know. I vaguely remember that he was going to play abroad for a while." The manager said, "As for coming back, I definitely want to come back, but when exactly will I come back, I will I no longer know."

Xia Yixin sneered, mockingly, "The welfare of your restaurant is really good. I have never seen such a good restaurant."

The manager heard it, but pretended not to understand it, and said with a smile: "That's right, you go to the industry to inquire about it, and the benefits of our restaurant employees are the best."

Xia Yixin sneered, "The manager is on vacation, so the waiter on duty that day is still there? Is it possible that the waiter also has such good benefits, saying that he will take a long vacation on long vacations, and do not know when they will return?"

The manager said with a smile: "This is not true, but the waiter treatment in our restaurant can only be said to be above the industry standard, so the waiter does not work for a long time and has a large flow. Unfortunately, the day you said, The waiters have resigned. "

"Okay!" Xia Yixin nodded her head. "It's so good! You guys are too lazy to think of even a decent excuse, because you look down on me, don't you?"

"Don't dare, we just work for someone. How can we be despised?" The manager said with a smile.

But what he heard in Xia Yixin's ears was even more ironic.

Xia Yixin raised her hand and wanted to slap the manager.

The manager stepped back, avoiding her attack distance, the smile disappeared, and said coldly, "Ms. Xia, you are a guest, we respect you. But if you come to make trouble for no reason, we will call the police."

"Alarm? I still want to call the police!" Xia Yixin was so angry, "I was hurt in your restaurant! Now that you have destroyed any evidence here, you still turn your face to accuse me?"

The manager said solemnly: "Destroying the evidence is a big deal, and you can't just arbitrarily talk about it. You can't slander our destruction because you don't find evidence here. You need to look at the monitoring records. We showed you that there is no What you are looking for. Not because we destroyed it, but because nothing happened. You are trying to find something out of something that has never happened. We ca n’t help you. "

"As for what you said in the store that day, I came here to work as a substitute, so I don't know. And the employees in our store don't remember that.

(End of this chapter)

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