The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1982: I'm not good

Chapter 1982: I'm Not Good

Du Yizhuo smiled and said without a smile: "It's mainly because we have to go out and buy things. There are so many things today, we can't afford to delay."

"Okay, you go," Mrs. Zheng said.

Shi Xiaoya and Du Yi got into the car, and Shi Xiaoya frowned. "Mrs. Zheng, do you want to inquire about other people's family affairs all day long?"

"Yeah, she has no other hobbies all day long, just like the housework of the neighbors who gossip around us. All the neighbors around us call her gossip all over again." Du Yichen was annoyed when she mentioned, "Her children are not upset , The son is a second-generation ancestor, and he knows the prodigal when nothing happens. The daughter knew the prodigal just before, but did n’t know what happened a few days ago.

"Anyway, there is no fighting in her family. So, ah, she's always looking forward to the children of other people's home is not good, and there is something to do, it is best to become worse than her two children "Du Yimin gave a cold sigh," She is typically not good at herself, nor good at others. "

"It's weird to keep her staring like this all day long. It's even more annoying than paparazzi." Shi Xiaoya said, "I just look at her and posted it on our window all day long, watching our daily life."

This is really interesting.

Occasionally gossip about other people's affairs.

What happened to somebody was a topic of conversation after tea, and no matter who it was, he couldn't get rid of this interest.

It has nothing to do with your circle.

At most, ordinary people talk about trivial matters such as who is married to the neighbors in the courtyard and who has a bad relationship.

As for Du Yi, they usually talk about who has lost their children, who has run out of money, whose children's companies have lost money, who's going out and what kind of tender parties, etc.

Individuals have their own ways of playing and naturally talk differently, but they all have to gossip.

But no one was so overwhelming as Mrs. Zheng.

Others' gossip about other people's homes, they all hid secretly at home.

Who, like Mrs. Zheng, directly and directly asked the parties to come.

Although Mrs. Zheng's speculations did not exist, it did not mean that she could not mind.

"Mom, have you ever thought about moving?" Shi Xiaoya asked.

Otherwise, there is a Mrs. Zheng spying around all day long.

Du Yiming nodded. "I discussed it with your dad. We just saw a villa two days ago, which is pretty good. We don't like the fine decoration that comes with the villa, and we plan to demolish and reinstall it."

"The deposit has already been placed, and after the formalities are completed, we will start the renovation. It is estimated that we can move in in the second half of the year." Du Yiying explained, "You are with Zhuo Ling, Zhuo Ling will come to our house. Mrs. Zheng It's not the case to stretch my neck all day long. Besides, Zhuo Ling's attention is too high, and people are particularly interested in his affairs. "

"A reporter paparazzi really came back, what does Mrs. Zheng tell nonsense to them?" Du Yi pursed her lips. "That Mrs. Zheng is afraid of the world being chaotic. She doesn't just like gossip. I like to exaggerate and make up things I imagine. Three-point true, seven-point fake. Few people here like to associate with her. "

"The little sisters she associates with are naturally like her." Du Yichen whispered, disliked.

(End of this chapter)

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