The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1985: misunderstanding

Chapter 1985: Misunderstanding

"Yo!" A little sister sighed enviously, "You are too blessed next door! The children will not say anything, and the daughter will find Han Zhuo Ling. Even if they can't get married in the future, at least during the period of love It's also good. The company next door to you is booming! "

Mrs. Zheng froze unhappy, and couldn't even pull an insincere smile.

Now that she knows that Han Zhuoling is coming today, her three little sisters are not leaving.

"Anyway, we are all here. Let the mahjong table stand. Let's touch it a few times." A little sister suggested.

"Yes, just a few laps, waiting for Han Zhuo Ling to come over."

Mrs. Zheng reluctantly ordered people to go.

Before waiting for Mrs. Zheng to say anything, her little sister had already ordered the aunt, "You are always watching, as soon as Han Zhuo Ling appears, call us immediately!"


After Han Zhuo Ling was busy, she immediately called Shi Xiaoya and learned that Shi Xiaoya was in the mall with Du Yizheng to select a hundred-day gift for Yi Jun's small group.

After asking which mall was clear, they followed.

When Han Zhuo Ling was here, Du Yichen had just finished paying and was planning to find a place to wait for Han Zhuo Ling.

Turning around, he saw Han Zhuoling walking towards this side with long legs.

Du Yichen looked at it, and felt more and more satisfied.

Han Zhuoling is the most outstanding person in this mall.

As soon as he appeared, he was particularly conspicuous and compared everyone else.

Han Zhuo Ling came over and called: "Mom."

"Eh!" Du Yichen responded quickly.

Shi Xiaoya didn't expect that after so long, after meeting again, Han Zhuo Ling was not unfamiliar.

This "Mom" can come with an open mouth.

"Did you come by car?" Du Yichen asked him.

"Yes." Han Zhuo Ling nodded.

"Then you drive Xiaoya home, I'll take the car we came in." Du Yichen said.

"Okay." Of course Han Zhuo Ling was very happy.

They had nothing else to buy, so they went back.

Mrs. Zheng's aunt saw Han Zhuoling driving in the car and said to Mrs. Zheng, "They are back!"

As a result, Mrs. Zheng's little sisters threw down the Mahjong and hurried to the window.

This time, including Mrs. Zheng, they all saw clearly.

It's Han Zhuo Ling!

"It's Han Zhuo Ling! It's really Han Zhuo Ling!"

"Walk around and say hello!"

Mrs. Zheng reluctantly said, "Go and go. I won't go anyway."

He said he didn't believe it, and satirized others.

Now that Han Zhuoling really came, Mrs. Zheng didn't go out and lose her face.

She won't go, nor will her three little sisters go.

Without Mrs. Zheng's introduction, they rushed up and were not polite.

In the end, I could only give up, but I was a little dissatisfied.

Du Yimin arrived for a few minutes, got out of the car and waited for Han Zhuo Ling. They also arrived, leaving with Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya.

Du Yizhen glanced at the courtyard of the villa next door and said to Shi Xiaoya, "Now maybe he's lying on the window next door."

"What's the matter?" Han Zhuo Ling heard and asked.

How could Du Yisun let Han Zhuo Ling know this?

It was all these small frictions between women's fingers, which made people joking about Han Zhuo Ling, but I was not embarrassed to say it.

Han Zhuo Ling turned to Shi Xiaoya.

Shi Xiaoya has nothing to hide from him.

Any thoughts in his heart always let him know directly.

Lest two people guess and guess each other, it is not only troublesome but also easy to cause misunderstanding.

10 more ~

(End of this chapter)

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