The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1987: Faceless, isn't it?

Chapter 1987: Faceless

Mrs. Zheng could only watch Han Zhuoling leave with Shi Xiaoya.

Du Yi smirked and smirked, and embarrassed to laugh too much in front of Han Zhuo Ling.

But Han Zhuoling came forward personally to support Xiaoya for their family. It was really exciting!

I heard Han Zhuoling said, "There will be no matter what happens in the future, although tell me, I will solve it."

Du Yichen thought happily that Han Zhuoling's son-in-law was also Max!


The 100-day banquet for Yijun's small group is scheduled for next Friday. A small hall in Shengyue can hold five or six tables.

But Wang Juhuai did not invite so many people. He only invited Han and poets to make a pure family dinner.

Therefore, only two tables are enough.

The remaining four tables were removed, just enough to decorate more.

Of course, these are the last words.

This Friday when I turned around to the 100-day banquet, Shi Xiaoya was ready when she was about to leave work in the afternoon. When Han Zhuo Ling came, she went to Shengyue to attend the 100-day banquet.

"Shi Xiaoya! Come out for me!"

"Shi Xiaoya! Get out!"

"Has the ability to be a little three, to seduce a man, but not to come out to meet someone?"

"Don't you see someone?"

Shi Xiaoya was cutting a video in her office and suddenly heard the noise outside.

She couldn't hear it clearly, but she could hear her name.

Shi Xiaoya was weird. It didn't seem like a good thing to listen to the noise outside.

The sound from outside had a strong meaning.

Shi Xiaoya opened the door and saw several colleagues outside stopping a middle-aged woman.

The woman was a little bit middle-aged, but she was very expensive.

At a glance, it seems that he is wearing a pair of emerald earrings, wearing a large diamond ring on the ring finger of his left hand, and a emerald emerald ring on his right middle finger.

He also wears a bracelet full of diamonds.

Carrying hermès platinum bag, wearing a set of Chanel, stepping on a pair of classic diamond buckle MB.

Dressing is really ... quite expensive.

Shi Xiaoya's mouth was twitched. Don't care if the collocation looks good on this plump middle-aged woman, at least she looks rich.

At this time, I heard the other party shouting, "Shi Xiaoya, you are finally willing to come out! I tore you, you bitch!"

"I don't know you, this lady." Shi Xiaoya stepped forward.

Fortunately, there are male colleagues in the studio, but this middle-aged woman can be stopped.

Otherwise, she's so imposing that she can't be stopped by a few little girls.

Seeing this, Shi Xiaoya immediately called the security guard.

Qin Zigou, who had just returned to China a few days ago, could not hear the noise outside.

It was Shi Xiaoya's staff who took the opportunity to hurry in to find Qin Zigou.

Therefore, Qin Zigou also came out.

As soon as she came out, she saw Shi Xiaoya was there, and was busy protecting her behind her.

Seeing such a chaotic scene, Qin Zi blamed, "What are you running out of?"

"People yelled at my name, how could I not come out and see what was going on?" Shi Xiaoya was not frightened by the scene and was very calm.

Obviously, she had an idea in her mind.

Qin Zigou will not intervene, only to ensure that Shi Xiaoya will not be hurt.

If Shi Xiaoya can't handle it, he intervenes again.

At this time, security guards also came up.

Guo Yujie immediately said, "How can you just let unknown people come up?"

The security guard did not dare to say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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