The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1994: This is basic literacy

Chapter 1994: This Is The Basic Accomplishment

"She gave me a sum of money and said that when I did it, she would give me the remaining half."

Those money can't do anything big in City B.

But it is worth the salary of this middle-aged woman for several years.

"I ... I just thought, didn't I just come and scold someone? I was fine at scolding people, and pouring dirty water when scolding people, wasn't it the basic operation?" Everything is planted on each other.

This is the basic quality of scolding.

The police officers laughed.

This matter even pays attention to a basic operation.

"I ... I didn't expect it to be so serious, I thought it was abusive, I ..." The middle-aged woman justified herself.

A policewoman said coldly, "Scolding people? Scolding people makes so much money in vain. There is such a good thing. Everyone has done it, and you can get it for you? What did that person tell you to scold? Do you count? Do you stigmatize a woman for this kind of thing, do you know how much harm it will cause? "

The policewoman said coldly, "Just scold someone?"

Another male policeman saw that the middle-aged woman was a confused person, and said, "Don't take scolding seriously. If you don't ask before, come and scold, bully, and plant stolen?"

"Do you know that when something happened a few days ago, an old lady went to the grocery market to buy fruit and it was not sweet to buy it at home, so she went to the grocery market every day and scolded the owner of the fruit stand. She also pulled her wife to block the door of her family and scolded him. Finally, the mentality of cursing the boss was broken, and her wife was hacked to death with a knife, and dozens of knives were chopped. The flesh was almost blurred. It's meat. "

"You really are scolding, nothing is happening? Life is impermanent, and no one can say for sure that nothing is happening. You are lucky, and you meet a strong and stable person, or you will be forced Crazy, you can do everything. If you still want to live well, don't do this kind of thing in the future, otherwise no one knows that there will be any accidents.

The middle-aged woman opened her mouth and narrowed her neck in fear.

Not because of the words of the police.

In fact, more fear still originated from Han Zhuoling.

I don't know how Han Zhuo Ling will deal with her.

Because she was already afraid, whatever the police said at the moment, she was scared.

"Now people are going to sue you for slander." The policeman said, "Do you think you are just sloppy with dirty water? I tell you, just fabricate and spread fictional facts, demeaning others and damage others’ reputation, just Constitutes libel. "

"Think about it yourself, if those words you said before constituted! Once you are sentenced to imprisonment of less than three years," said the police.

The middle-aged woman was scared lightly, but the police did not scare her, and she was telling the truth.

"Is this ... is it so serious?" The middle-aged woman was afraid.

"What do you think?" The policewoman said coldly, "You usually scold each other, but you don't know anything about the law, no one really does anything. But what you said this time is too serious. Those two do n’t understand anything, and naturally they wo n’t let it go easily. You described a good girl's house as such an unbearable look, can others let you go? ”

(End of this chapter)

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