The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1999: Why are you so stupid

Chapter 1999: Why Are You So Silly

Du Yizheng and Shi Guanzhong listened, they felt very pleasing to the ear.

Generally, at this time, even if Lin Liye puts the responsibility of late on Han Zhuo Ling, it will inevitably make people think more.

On the surface, his son is actually accusing Shi Xiaoya.

Between mother-in-law and in-laws, it is easy to be dissatisfied with each other because of this small matter.

But Lin Liye asked if he had encountered something that came so late.

In essence, I believe that neither of them is unpunctual. There must be something unexpected.

Han Zhuo Ling didn't hide it, so she talked about Shi Xiaoya's encounter with the middle-aged woman in the studio.

"She has admitted that she took the money and was instructed. Xiaoya couldn't figure out who was doing the trick for a while. We just sent the woman to the police station for the police to investigate. Jing Sheng also followed He went, stared at him, and believes that there will be results soon. "Han Zhuo Ling said.

"Why so bad!" Lin Liye said.

As the parents of Shi Xiaoya, Shi Guanzhong and Du Yichen were even more angry.

Even if it's a lie, it's a bit like it!

Their daughter, need to be a primary three for money? !!

How much does it cost their poet?

However, it is precisely because of this, that people who know the truth will know that this is a lie and frame Shi Xiaoya.

If this is an individual reason, Lin Liye may still hesitate.

Although I will eventually choose to believe in Shi Xiaoya, I will definitely analyze it in the process.

But this time framed planting stolen goods, really need no analysis.

The poem Xiaoya ’s family is here, there is no need to do such a thing for money.

Therefore, Lin Liye didn't even suspect for a second.

"Then you have a skeptical candidate?" Lin Liye asked again.

"Xiao Ya listed three suspects, but what I suspect most is Xia Yixin." Han Zhuo Ling said.

Lin Liye doesn't want to hear the name now, he feels sick when he hears it.

"Why is she again!" Lin Li Yeqi almost patted the table. "Why do you doubt her? Does she have no brains? Xia's family has been beaten like this by us, she doesn't know yet?"

But after speaking, Lin Liye already answered for himself.

Aren't you clueless?

Those with brains will let Han Zhuo Ling do not go, derailed and have children for others?

Lin Liye shook his lips and heard Han Zhuoling said, "I haven't said it before, in fact Xia Yixin went to Xiaoya before."

"What the hell!" Lin Liye was really annoyed. "Just her, and her face to find Xiaoya? Why is she!"

"What is she looking for Xiaoya?" Xia Yixin asked.

"Xiao Ya said she seemed to regret it and wanted to reunite." Han Zhuo Ling said lightly.

Lin Liye was really captivated.

She regretted it.

It would have been nice to know without asking.

How embarrassing it is in the presence of Shi Xiaoya's parents!

Let people know that Han Zhuo Ling's ex-wife was still entangled and went to the trouble of Shi Xiaoya.

People are more disgusted with Han Zhuoling.

"Xiaoya, you didn't say anything about this." Du Yichen said.

She wasn't trying to blame Han Zhuoling, she was telling the Han family to know and Shi Xiaoya was hiding it for them.

She hopes that the Han family will know Shi Xiaoya's goodness.

This stupid child is just protecting Han Zhuo Ling.

Sure enough, Lin Liye listened, and was very guilty. "Xiaoya, why are you so stupid that you don't even tell us?"

(End of this chapter)

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