The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2004: Thinking of Xia Qingwei's coming again

2004-Recalling Xia Qingwei's Recovery

Lu Qi said, "He will surely remember some people's goodness."

No need for Lu Qi to continue to talk down, Xia Qingyang finished his brain.

Some of the people Lu Qi refers to are not Xia Qingwei?

But I don't know. In fact, Lu Qi's meaning of "some people" is very deep.

Not only is it worth Xia Qingwei, but it actually points to Jiang Yujie.

But Xia Qingyang didn't understand Lu Qi's meaning, and had never met Jiang Yujie, naturally, she could not think of it.

Compared with Xia Qingwei, Lu Qi was actually more suspicious of Jiang Yujie.

But it doesn't matter, neither of these can be ignored.

Xia Qingyang was so unexpected that Lu Qi even pitted her mother.

Xia Qingyang only felt that Xia Qingwei was indeed very likely.

When she was with Lu Qiyuan, she worked hard and never complained.

Even when he encountered some difficult things in Lu Qiyuan's work, his career did not improve.

Xia Qingwei did not urge, and helped him through the difficulties together.

It has always been the look of indignity.

However, Xia Qing lost even though he was gentle and understanding, but he did not depend on Lu Qiyuan.

Even Lu Qiyuan was able to succeed thanks to Xia Qingwei's many suggestions.

When starting a business together, Lu Qiyuan thought it was good.

But when he started his career, Lu Qiyuan felt that Xia Qing didn't have much to do.

I ’m not that bad, can I do a big business like that?

You don't need Xia Qingwei to talk at all and give suggestions.

Many of the decisions he made were made by himself, and Xia Qing was unhappy without wishing to consider it.

This is typical. I use you when you are in trouble. You are right about everything.

Once you get better, you become redundant.

There is nothing Zhong Wuyan, nothing happens Xia Yingchun.

Xia Qingwei is still the gentle Xia Qingwei, or the Xia Qingwei who will give him some suggestions.

But Lu Qiyuan no longer needed it.

He was proud and arrogant, thinking that women should do the housework of women well, take his money and spend it for enjoyment, and don't interfere too much with his work.

Xia Qingwei always "finger-handed", is she so incompetent in her heart?

Because Lu Qiyuan was narrow-minded and extremely arrogant, he always thought of it and deepened his dissatisfaction with Xia Qingwei.

Gradually, the fissure between Xia Qingwei and it grew larger.

Xia Qingyang has a chance.

When there are no problems in the cause, Xia Qingyang's problems will naturally not show up, nor will Xia Qingwei's be good.

Now that something is wrong with his career, Xia Qingyang is too lazy to pretend.

Instead of helping Lu Qiyuan, he complained all day long.

Doesn't Lu Qiyuan have to think of Xia Qingwei?

Xia Qingyang felt that Lu Qiyuan would definitely miss Xia Qingwei, and even wanted to go to her.

However, Xia Qing is not sure that he can't follow Qiyuan.

They had their first love, and gave birth to a son.

After paying so much, how can I come back to find Lu Qiyuan.

Although Xia Qingyang knew this, it did not mean she reasoned.

In her opinion, Lu Qiyuan could never forget Xia Qingwei, did Xia Qingwei have no responsibility at all?

Xia Qingwei will not promise Lu Qiyuan to recombine, it does not mean that she can forgive Xia Qingwei!

"Oh!" Xia Qingyang sneered, trembling with anger, "Your dad, the cheap man, must be in trouble now, and then thought of Xia Qingwei's recovery.

(End of this chapter)

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