The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2016: more

Chapter 2016 Even More

"Now I have my own family and a son. I have nothing to do with Xia Qingyang and Lu Qiyuan anymore, why is she not stubborn?"

"I ca n’t see how good others are. I heard that Lu Chi is getting worse now. And the relationship between Lu Qiyuan and Xia Qingyang is getting worse and worse. But Xia Qingwei is getting better and better. His daughter's career is rising. In the future, her son-in-law is Han Zhuoli, her in-law is Han family, and her husband is Wang Juhuai. This lineup is a proper winner model in life. There is no opinion, and the road is deserted. "

The netizen said: "This is very easy to analyze."

"666 upstairs."


"No evils," said the analysis netizen, "It's very easy to guess. As long as you think about what Xia Qingyang and Lu Qi have done before, they have a good understanding of their brain circuits."

"Looking at Xia Qingyang's character, you know what happened to Lu Qi."

"Xia Qingyang is also funny. She has been divorced for more than 20 years. She hasn't let go of her. She has a mental illness! She is still running away when they are overjoyed."

"I heard that she suspected Lu Qiyuan was having an affair."

"She suspected that Lu Qiyuan was having trouble with Xia Qingwei when she was having an affair. Anyone with a mind can think that Xia Qingwei is now very happy, reconciled with first love, husband and wife, both children and children, and she can take care of a scum. male?"

"So, this is the analysis of the netizen above. Xia Qingyang can't see Xia Qingwei, so he used the suspect Lu Qiyuan's derailment to find Xia Qingwei's trouble and poured dirty water on Xia Qingwei."

"It's disgusting! People are living a good life. It wouldn't look good without this kind of bug and destroying their families."

"She lost Xia Qingwei's marriage in that year and ruined Xia Qingwei's marriage. Although it was not her own responsibility, and personal scumming Qi Yuan was not a good thing. Even with Lu Man, he also suffered. Xia Qingwei After working hard for half a life, now she has finally found her happiness. Xia Qingyang is going to destroy it again. Why is this person so cheap! "

If it is other news, some people may think that it is a sane analysis.

A slap doesn't make a sound. Before the matter is clear, it's not clear which party's responsibility is Yunyun.

But it's not the same for Xia Qingyang.

Thanks to Lu Man's early pavement.

Shao Xia Qingyang and Lu Qiyuan shuddered.

Netizens really know everything about Xia Qingyang and Lu Qiyuan.

Everyone knows that Xia Qingyang is not a good one, and Xia Qingyang still prefers tricks to death under the encouragement of Lu Qi.

After doing it again and again, it laid a very unbreakable image of the base people in the hearts of the masses.

It has become a role of everyone shouting.

Therefore, this time the incident broke out, everyone agreed very well that Xia Qingyang was looking for something and was not at ease.

There was no different voice.

In this way, Xia Qingwei was not affected a little in this incident.

Netizens saw Xia Qingyang's bad luck, and they all liked it.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, this is the retribution. At first, she lost Xia Qingwei and robbed him of a scumbag. Now, scumbag was taken away again by others.

"Betting on 10 cucumbers, Lu Zhanan took a younger, more beautiful, white lotus third."

(End of this chapter)

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