The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2023: Good cabbage is arched by pigs

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Shi Nancang already had speculation in his heart.

Suddenly, his face was not very good.

Shi Nancang guessed it, and Shi Guanzhong and Du Yisun guessed it.

The three of them were extremely contradictory.

Shi Xiaoya is a big girl, and with Han Zhuo Ling, this is an emotional relationship between adults.

In addition, Han Zhuo Ling is a mature man with his girlfriend. If I tell you that they are very simple, there is no one to believe in this statement without stepping into the thunder pool.

Han Zhuo Ling, a big man, always has that need.

Feelings reach a certain level, and sooner or later will come to that step.

Moreover, men like Han Zhuo Ling, women are generally not opponents.

Not to mention Shi Xiaoya, that is, when you provoked her, you will be like a cat that has only exploded hair and exposed toenails.

Normally, the character is soft and uncomfortable, where would it be Han Zhuo Ling's opponent.

Han Zhuoling is like an impassive male lion, who suddenly bites you and kicks you home.

So all three knew that this day would come sooner or later.

But knowing it is the same thing, but I'm not ready for it.

Because it came too fast this day.

All three were extremely contradictory.

Knowing that these are all adults, there is no need to interfere.

But in the end it was his own daughter and sister.

I feel a little weary.

Good cabbage has been arched by pigs.

It was really arched.

However, the three poets still have optimistic ideas.

Maybe not living together.

Anyway, haven't heard Shi Xiaoya's answer?

Shi Xiaoya heard Shi Nancang's words and didn't know how to answer.

To be exact, it was embarrassed to answer.

Moreover, Han Zhuoli is now following Man Lu, Wang Juhuai and Xia Qingwei are also here.

So many people.

Shi Xiaoya's face became hot and quietly winked at Shi Nancang.

Can you stop asking in front of so many people and say it in private, okay?

Unfortunately, at this moment, it was difficult for Shi Nancang to receive her signal.

Han Zhuoling said, "Uncle, aunt, I live with Xiaoya."

Du Yimin did not expect anything else. The first question turned out to be, "Where do you live now?"

Shi Xiaoya confessed, "Live me."

Shi Nancang's eyes were twitched. When listening to Shi Xiaoya's words, I didn't know that I thought that the Han family was dignified and lived in her house for soft rice.

Du Yizhen didn't think much, and asked along the lines: "Can you live in the house? Are the two people living a bit smaller?"

Han Zhuo Ling suddenly felt that Shi Xiaoya's character was probably more like Du Yichen.

A lot of times it's rough nerves, it's funny.

Shi Nancang drew a corner of his mouth and couldn't help but say, "Mom, can this be done?"

Live definitely live.

Shi Nancang thought depressed.

Live in the same bedroom with his sister.

"Why isn't it?" Du Yizheng didn't have the mentality that the cabbage in Shi Nancang and Shi Guan had been swallowed by a pig.

This mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law.

Father-in-law always has to embarrass his son-in-law and cannot bear his own baby daughter.

But the mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law, but the more satisfied she was.

Du Yizheng was the most accepted of the three among Han Zhuoling and Shi Xiaoya.

"You think, Xiaoya's house has three rooms in total. One is her study, the other is a cloakroom, and the other is a bedroom."

(End of this chapter)

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