The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2031: Do you want to marry me?

Chapter 2031 Do You Want To Marry Me?

Xia Qingyang's words made Lu Qiyuan almost vomit.

Especially when I think of what she looks like now, she doesn't touch the cuteness.

When she was young, she was really cute.

Stupid, very cute.

But don't look at how old she is now!

Sorry to use this word?

All ages are white!

"Now you think I'm stupid?" Xia Qingyang thought about it.

If she had been with a good temper, Lu Qiyuan might have noticed that she had a different attitude than usual.

Because if it was the usual way, Xia Qingyang would have quarreled.

So now, Xia Qingyang is arguing as usual, "Lu Qiyuan, you say that, don't you think I'm older? Why? Want to go out and find a younger one? You can, ready to be 18 years old right?"

Xia Qingyang raised his voice, "Or have you found it?"

The more she said that, the more Lu Qiyuan didn't worry about what she knew.

"Nervous!" Lu Qiyuan said angrily, "You have done something wrong, and now you want to hit the rake? I tell you, you'll be honest. If I don't stop, we will divorce!"

His Majesty said, Lu Qiyuan hung up.

Lu Qiyuan was so angry with Xia Qing that she really wanted to divorce her.

This wife has no help from her maiden family, and now she is old and has no brain.

The more he thought, the more Lu Qiyuan thought why he had to spend time with her?

It didn't help him at all, not even to make him happy.

Not only that, but always trouble him.

Since all of them did not help him, why didn't he marry Jiang Yujie?

Young, simple and fine-tempered.

Adore him and never fight with him.

He looks good and makes him happy, even if he has no brain, but he is willing to tolerate her young and beautiful face.

They are all of the same origin, but Jiang Yujie is young, beautiful, and has a good temper. He won't lose his temper with him, and he doesn't have to go home every day.

In this case, why didn't he marry Jiang Yujie?

Isn't this much better than Xia Qingyang?

Besides, the villa where Xia Qingyang lives now is also the property under his name.

Why can't his own home be returned, and Xia Qingyang was forced to grumble and run out to buy another property?

The more he thought, the more Lu Qiyuan felt that Xia Qingyang had taken advantage of him.

Lu Qiyuan sat back to Jiang Yujie and touched her hand and said, "Would you like to marry me?"

Jiang Yujie was surprised, "I ... I said I didn't think ..."

"I know, I know you are thinking for me. Silly girl, don't think about anything else, just say, if you have the chance to marry me and become Mrs. Lu, would you like to?" Lu Qiyuan asked.

"Of course I am willing!" Jiang Yujie said immediately, realizing that she was anxious and then slowed down immediately. "I don't want to make you trouble, as long as you can do it, I don't care. With you, I'm very sorry for my wife, so I dare not have the idea of ​​replacing my wife. "

"But if I can marry you and become your wife, I am very happy." Jiang Yujie said in a low tone. "Although I can say that I can't fight, but if you really want to marry me, how can I refuse?

Jiang Yujie sighed long.

(End of this chapter)

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