The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2035: This trick is also ingenious

Chapter 2035 This Trick Is Ingenious

Because of her thoughtfulness, Han Zhuo Ling's heart became warmer.

Hearing Shi Xiaoya's question, she replied lazily, "No confession."

Shi Xiaoya heard the difference in Han Zhuoling's words, "What else?"

"There is a love letter." Han Zhuo Ling answered very honestly.

Shi Xiaoya asked, "Wouldn't you have been so cold since childhood?"

Han Zhuo Ling's eyes narrowed slightly. "So you always judged me like this? Gao Leng?"

Shi Xiaoya: "..."


Exposed. Exposed.

"Hehe." Shi Xiaoya laughed twice. "Don't care about these details. Now you are not cold to me."

After all, she had picked off the flower of his kaolin.

"If that's the high cold, that's it." Han Zhuoling said, "In fact, I am not ignoring people, I just don't bother to waste that time. As long as no one comes to me, I naturally save the initiative to find others.

Shi Xiaoya said heartily, it was because it was too cold, and others were afraid to come to you.

As a result, this is exactly the heart of Han Zhuo Ling.

Han Zhuo Ling was so happy that he did not take the initiative to find other people, so if he went back and forth, no one would dare to come to him.

"So no girl dares to confess to you directly, you can only send a love letter, right?" Shi Xiaoya asked with narrowed eyes.

Han Zhuoling seemed to be unaware of Shi Xiaoya's jealousy, and smiled, saying, "Yeah, it's daring to give me a love letter in person. Most of the rest are secretly plugging into my table hole , In the book. "

"On one occasion, there were still people stuffed into my homework. I didn't know. I turned in the homework and the teacher saw it." Han Zhuo Ling said.

"..." Shi Xiaoya suddenly understood that Han Zhuo Ling had to investigate her mood from childhood to childhood.

I did n’t participate, so I wanted to know.

But after knowing it, he was depressed. It turned out that he was liked by so many people at that time.

Just when she couldn't see.

He is now her boyfriend!

So he should be her boyfriend in the future, but was held by other women.

There was a feeling that his boyfriend had been stolen.

Don't mention how depressed.

Shi Xiaoya rushed directly to Han Zhuo Ling and fangs him, "So, you received a lot of love letters at that time."

Han Zhuoling smiled and nodded, not afraid of Shi Xiaoya.

"How many seals?" Shi Xiaoya asked.

Han Zhuoling smiled: "I haven't noticed it. Because there are so many, I can receive at least one almost every day."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

She lost, she lost.

She is so big now that she has not the courage to be a student.

She didn't dare to confess to Han Zhuo Ling!

Shi Xiaoya gritted her teeth and said, "But there was a copy just now, but you remember it quite well."

"Which one?" I don't know if he really didn't think of it, Han Zhuo Ling was puzzled at this moment.

Shi Xiaoyapi smiled and moved her mouth without a smile, "Just the one in your workbook. This trick is also ingenious, at least for you to remember! It has been remembered for more than ten years.

At this moment, Han Zhuo Ling finally realized Shi Xiaoya's jealousy.

He regretted it a bit.

If I knew it, I wouldn't provoke it.

As a result, he was questioned instead.

60 more, and 20 more ~

Just in case Bao'er didn't see it before, shout again, the monthly tickets cast during the National Day are double counted, ask for monthly tickets ~

(End of this chapter)

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