The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2037: My hand has its own idea

Chapter 2037 My Hand Has Its Own Thoughts

So is she.

At that time, he was already considered an adult to her age.

Do not want to be okay, think of it, they suddenly highlight the age difference between them.

Han Zhuoling sighed helplessly.

Shi Xiaoya looked at him puzzled, and then heard Han Zhuoling said, "Why are you so young?"

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

She was black-faced and looked down at her.

Indeed ... not so big.

But B also has, it is not big but not so flat.

Squeezing can also have grooves.

Shi Xiaoya thinks she is OK!

Why did Han Zhuoling think she was young?

Ha ha!

Even though it was too small, I kept touching it all the time.

Every time that big hand doesn't like to come down from above.

What if it's bigger?

He should be buried directly!

Men are big pigs feet!

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

Although Shi Xiaoya didn't speak, he seemed to be able to understand her vomiting in her heart.

As if I heard her call him a big pig's hoof!

"I don't think you're small there." Han Zhuoling said with a smile.

But now that it was lifted, his hands were a little itchy.

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

"You may not believe it, my hand has its own ideas," Han Zhuo Ling explained.

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

This man, hooligan, is so good!

Shi Xiaoya blushed and almost hummed.

At this moment, there was no strength under his hands.

Shi Xiaoya bit her lip, and the water in her eyes gradually grew.

At this time, Han Zhuo Ling explained: "Knead a little more, it can become C."

He felt it a few more times, and took it really seriously. "Don't say, I do feel like I'm a bit older than before."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

She really wants to hit this man!

But now, I can't help it.

Fortunately, Han Zhuo Ling finally stopped and laughed: "I mean young, I mean you are young."

Shi Xiaoya thought that he just said, "Why are you so small?"

When I said this, I really felt regret and disapproval.

Shi Xiaoya slaps him, "What's wrong with me? Isn't it young?"

He did not abandon his old cow to eat tender grass. He was good, but he also abandoned her!

"You guys, one by one are looking for young girls. You're better, but you think I'm too young?" Shi Xiaoya looked fierce.

It could be paired with her watery eyes and red cheeks.

She looked fierce and fierce, and could not touch the fierce.

The blood tank that Han Zhuoling gave to Meng was almost empty.

Shi Xiaoya didn't even realize it, and continued, "If you take me out, people have to boast that you have great skills! Even if you don't know you, you know that you are definitely rich!"

Otherwise, how can you move the tender grass?

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

Her face was **** just now, and now she was speechless again.

Don't think he can't hear, this little girl is sarcastic about his age!

He is not old at all!

Who is a man in his thirties?

Besides, he grows well!

Han Zhuoling said muffled, "Aren't you disapproving of my age?"

"Then you are not allowed to abandon my young age." Shi Xiaoya said immediately.

"..." Han Zhuoling couldn't help laughing. "I don't want to abandon you for being young."

(End of this chapter)

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