The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2039: Confession

Chapter 2039: Confession

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

This little girl is getting more and more angry.

However, he likes this temper!

Han Zhuoling clasped her arms around her, grabbing her lip, and no longer gave her a chance to escape.

Han Zhuo Ling turned over and held her in her arms.

I was thinking that fortunately her nerves were so rough and unreasonable in terms of feelings, otherwise at this time I didn't know who was being run away and how could I come to his arms.

Han Zhuoling couldn't help but think that because of her good feelings at first, she always paid special attention to her.

The manners are also so obvious.

Everyone else saw it, and Shi Xiaoya was the party, but she didn't feel he liked her.

It can be seen how thick her nerves are in this area.

At first Han Zhuo Ling didn't think so.

Today, when I heard Du Yizheng's mention of Shi Xiaoya from childhood to adulthood, no less than admirers.

Han Zhuoling now has a very serious sense of crisis.

And also very happy.

He almost missed the little girl.

Thinking of it this way, can't help cherishing it.

Kissing her lips, eyes, and cheeks, even Shi Xiaoya could feel his cherishment.

Shi Xiaoya trembled, arms around his neck, and pressed tightly against his chest.

Can clearly feel his fast and powerful heartbeat.

As if the minds were connected, he could guess his thoughts.

Shi Xiaoya suddenly hid after he just kissed her cheek.

Han Zhuo Ling made a mistake, who knew that Shi Xiaoya was dissatisfied that he was always kissed by him, and he took the initiative to get up, his lips began to kiss a little from his forehead.

She pushed harder.

Want to turn him over.

But this man is too heavy, she can't push it.

Fortunately, Han Zhuo Ling understood her meaning and hugged her and turned over.

Just now she was kissed on her forehead and was in shock.

Until now, the soft touch of her lips remained on her forehead.

As if she could smell the sweetness on her lips.

Shi Xiaoya kissed from his forehead all the time.

Finally it fell on his lips.

She told him silently, not just that he cherished her.

She treasured him like that.

She held his face in both hands, and under her lips he seemed to be fragile.

Han Zhuoling's soft heart was a mess, and at this time she clearly felt how much she liked him.

"Although in terms of emotion, my nerves are a bit rough." Shi Xiaoya said, "But because I haven't met anyone I like, I have never paid attention to it."

"So, even if someone likes me, I don't notice it because I don't pay attention." Shi Xiaoya said, "But I like you, so I will make mistakes. I am afraid that you don't like me, and I am disgusted if you know what I like. I, stay away from me. I obviously feel that you are different from me, but I still can't believe it. Be careful and don't dare to get too close. "

"Only when I like it and pay attention to it all the time, can I see it." Shi Xiaoya said. "But because you are different, you are so inaccessible. If you change someone, I will definitely confess it, but to you, I will not dare."

"Maybe it's because I like it too much. I like it more than I expected. That's why I suffer so much." Shi Xiaoya blushed and looked at him with some embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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