The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2042: Seems a little proud

Chapter 2042 Seems A Little Proud

Han Zhuo Ling exaggerated, and said, "Mom, when are you and Dad coming?"

Shi Guanzhong had discussed with Shi Nancang. If he wanted to make a surprise attack, he should never tell Han Zhuoling when they would come.

However, as a mother-in-law, Du Yizhen thought about it and decided to stand on the side of son-in-law.

Otherwise, nobody really helps Han Zhuoling.

Du Yizhang looked around, the poem was absent.

Du Yizhen sneaked to the bathroom with a cell phone, closed the door, and whispered, "I guess it's noon, it's about 11 o'clock. We have to wait for Nancang to come to our house, and the three of us will pass by.

"Your dad is discussing with Nancang and wants to make a sudden attack for you, not telling you when we will pass. Suddenly go to the door and see how you and Xiaoya are at home." Du Yimin whispered.

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

It must be from Shinan Cangjie!

Du Yichen also said: "I told you secretly, they don't know. We went back, you don't have to sell me."

"This is definitely not possible," Han Zhuoling said immediately, "you can rest assured."

"Thank you, Mom, you are good to me." Han Zhuoling said sweetly.

Han Zhuoling was sweet, but his voice was still very serious.

The words spoken were particularly convincing and especially sincere.

Du Yizhen was sincerely arrived by him, happy, "Relax, I'm on your side!"

"Ask me about this?" Du Yichen asked.

"There is something else." Han Zhuo Ling remembered the original purpose of the call, "when you come over, can you bring Xiaoya's photos when I was a kid? I want to see.

Du Yizheng understood immediately that Han Zhuoling wanted to know Shi Xiaoya as a child.

It can be seen that she really cares about Shi Xiaoya.

Du Yiming naturally agreed, "Yes, I'll bring it for you."

Hang Zhuo, Han Zhuoling quickly packed up.

In fact, there is no need to clean up.

After the two usually go to work, an aunt will come to clean up the room for them.

When they came back, the aunt left.

This is the weekend. He wanted to talk to Shi Xiaoya, and he didn't call his aunt over.

Go dry your hair and see if your home clothes are neat and tidy.

At this moment, Shi Xiaoya brought breakfast to the table, "Why did you pack it so soon?"

"I just called my mother." Han Zhuo Ling came over and sat down.

Shi Xiaoya really mistakenly thought that Han Zhuoling was referring to Lin Liye.

Then I heard Han Zhuoling said, "Mom said that Dad and your brother are going to attack us suddenly, don't tell us when they will come, and then come over suddenly to see how we are usually."

Shi Xiaoya then knew that the "mother" in Han Zhuoling's mouth meant Du Yichen.

"But mom told me." Han Zhuo Ling said.

Somehow he seemed a little proud when he said this.

Shi Xiaoya said heartily, before he got married, he had a good relationship with his future mother-in-law.

Although Han Zhuo Ling rarely goes to the company on weekends now, unless there is really really important work, it is generally not so important, and he finishes it at home.

Therefore, after eating, he still went to the study as usual to deal with some work first.

Shi Xiaoya learned from Han Zhuo Ling that the approximate time of their arrival in the poem, and began to prepare the ingredients for lunch.

It happened that they were all ready, and they arrived in Shi Guan.

(End of this chapter)

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